I Need You 18

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Chapter 18

I hear the ringer on my phone going off. Niall pauses the movie, and I reach for it. I see the name 'Cheeky Bastard' flash on the screen. I slide my finger across the screen to answer it. "Harry, that is my nickname!" I say as soon as I answer. "But I liked it.. tell Niall the tour has been postponed until after Christmas." Harry says sighing into the phone. "Is it so hard to text him?" I say sighing back at him. "I wanted to bother you. Anyways remind him about the masquerade ball. Have to go. Love you, Sis." Harry says. "Love you, too. Tah, tah." I say before hanging up. Even though Harry and I haven't known each other that long, he was still like my brother. "Your dad?" Niall says curiously. "My older brother." I say even though Harry was only born about 9 months before me. "You don't have a older brother." Niall says confused. "Yes, I do. His name is Harry." I say smiling at Niall. His confused face was cute, "Oh, it didn't click for me." He says scratching the back of his head. I laugh lightly, "He said the tour was postponed until after Christmas, and something about a masquerade ball?" I say wondering. "I forgot about that..." He says to himself. "When is that?" I say looking up at him. "Christmas Eve." Niall says playing with my hair. "Oh, I don't want to go then. I was going to make a suprise visit to Maura's house." I say talking about his mom. "She disowned me.." Niall says softly. "I think she would like a suprise visit from us. I was thinking about getting her a puppy, so she had some company." I say playing with Niall's shirt sleeve. "Maddy, she told me not to come back unless I changed." Niall says sadly. "Niall, I wouldn't be with you unless you changed. You were in a bad place, but now you are back to your old self." I say cuddling closer to him. "I don't know..." He says unsure. "Why can't we see your parents?" Niall asks suddenly. I get taken aback..thats right he didn't know. "I-I don't want to talk about it." I say looking away from him. "Madison, whats wrong?" Niall asks seriously. "Just drop it, please." I say my voice straining. Niall grabs my arm lightly, "Hey, its fine. You can tell me..." Niall says kissing my hand. "I said drop it!" I snap getting up from the couch. I didn't want to talk about it..they...they were d-dead... I block the thought of them to the back of my mind. I run my fingers through my hair, and sigh deeply. "Niall, I'm sorry... I just-" I start to apologize. "Whatever, obviously you don't want to talk about it." Niall says standing up. He starts to walk away from me, and I grab his wrist. Niall yanks it away from me, and I let out a soft whimper. "Niall...p-please.." I say my voice soft. He just keeps walking away, and completely ignores me. "Fine, you want to know so bad? They are dead! Are you happy now?" I scream, snapping. I was beyond mad, Niall turns to look at me. "No, I am not happy. You shouldn't have told me, remember?" He says coldly. What has gotten into him...? I watch in shock as Niall walks into his room, and slams the door shut.

"N-Niall..." I say calling for him. He just ignores me, I fall to my knees on the ground. I won't cry... I won't cry... I grab my phone from my pocket, and dial Harry's number. "P-Please, come get m-me." I manage to choke out. I try to slow my breathing to calm down. "Babe, whats wrong?" Harry asks. I hear shuffling in the background, and the sound of keys jingling. "He hasn't changed, Harry. He hasn't..." I say trying not to believe it. "Just stay calm. I am on my way." Harry says as I hear a car start in the background. "Please...don't hang up on me.. I-I don't care if we don't talk...just..don't hang up..." I say sounding like a baby. I needed to get a grip, "I wasn't planning on hanging up, Mads." Harry says using a new nickname for me. I smile slightly, "Thats a shitty nickname, Cheeky Ass." I say feeling better. "Cheeky Bastard, is my nickname, Cheeky Ass, now?" Harry asks chuckling. "Yes, it is." I say laughing alittle. "Ha! I got you to laugh!" Harry says happily. "Its not a big deal, Harry." I say honestly. "Yeah, it is. I would rather have you laughing than crying." Harry says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. "Harry, I..um..I need to talk to Niall. Please, still come get me..but he needs a reality check." I say standing up. "Be careful, Mads." Harry says before hanging up. Niall wouldn't physically hurt me, I would be fine.

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