I Need You 11

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Chapter 11

** Niall's POV **

I sit on my balcony at my apartment in London. I feel a cold Winter breeze tickle my skin. I pull my black and red jumper tighter around me. I step back in the apartment, amd shut the glass doors behind me. None of the boys would answer my calls. Not even Harry. I had no one. Even the fans hated me now. I couldn't even get in Twitter without being cussed out. The whole blowout with Lydia didn't really help my situation. I scan through the tweets, and actually see a positive tweet. 'Niall, I know other fans have lost hope, but I haven't. I still love you.' Just like that my whole day changed. Yeah, it sounds cheesy, but it was true. Maybe this time i could fix things between everyone I love amd myself.. I try to call Harry one last time. "Harry?" I say once the line is connected. He says nothing, "I know you hate me, but I have to see her. I have to fix things... I love her, Harry. I really do. I was stupid. I feel like a piece of shit. I lost everyone I cared about. I am so sorry I didn't believe you. You were always there for me, and I treated you horribly." I say and by the end I am in tears. "Niall, she is here in London." Harry says before hanging up. That was all I needed. I grab my car keys, and dart out of my apartment. I would get her back.

** Madison's POV **

I wake up in a soft bed. "Hello?" I say half asleep. I see the bedroom door open, and Harry walks in with a white t-shirt on and black sweat pants. His chocolate brown hair was going in every direction. "Do you need something?" He says yawning. "No, thank you." I say looking down at my hands. The one I cut on the mirror now had a white wrap around it. "They had to put stitches in your hand." Harry says leaning against the door frame. I nod my head, "Abby and Liam are supposed to be here tomorrow. Its only five days until Christmas. Get some sleep, if you need anything come into my room." Harry says before leaving the room. I sit in the darkness, and let the real world sink in. I had lost Niall, again. He hated me, and I hated him. I was at Harry's house. I would get to see my best friend for the first time in years tomorrow. So there where some pros and cons. I lay back down in bed, and fiddle with my hands in the darkness. I close my eyes tiredly, and see the bedroom door open again. Someone climbs into bed with me, and I turn to face them. I smell Niall's aftershave, and freeze instantly. Niall couldn't be here, he was with Lydia in Ireland. "Go to sleep, beautiful. We can talk in the morning." Niall's sleepy voice says. I could tell by the way his voice sounded.. he was back to the old Niall. I don't cuddle against him because...well because what he did to me. Maybe I could forgive him, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to... I crawl out of bed once he is asleep, and make my way to Harry's room. I climb into bed with him, and his eyes open slightly. "He is here, isn't he?" Harry says half asleep. I nod my head yes, and Harry pulls me against his chest. "Don't cry, Madison. He doesn't hate you. Niall came here to fix things. He really does love you." Harry says brushing my hair back from my face. I wipe my tears away, and cuddle into his chest. I am glad I had a friend like Harry. Even if we could never be more than friends, that would be fine with me because Harry would always be there for me.

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