I Need You 6

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Chapter 6

Harry nods his head, and stands up. "Come on we better get back to the house before Maura flips out." Harry says holding his hand out for me. I take it, and stand up. I suddenly get pulled into a tight hug. "I am so sorry, Maddy! I didn't mean to hurt you! Please don't be mad..." Niall says resting his head on my shoulder. It was kind of awkward, since he was taller than me. I look at Harry over my shoulder, "Should I go?" He mouthes. "Yes, thank you." I mouth back. Harry nods his head, and turns to leave. I watch him disappear into the woods. "Ni, I was fine. I needed to be alone." I say rubbing his back. Niall lifts his head up, and pulls back slightly. "You weren't alone. You were with Harry." Niall snaps. Was he jealous? "I was alone. Harry came to check on me, after you hurt me. Incase you don't remember." I hiss. Niall looks upset, "I said I am sorry! What more can I do?!" He says pulling away from me. I reach out for him, but he retracts himself from me. I was losing him like all those years ago, but this time it hurt even more. "Ni, please calm down. I don't want to fight you. Can we atleast be friends? I don't want to lose you again..." I say whispering the last part. Niall's head snaps up, and he turns around to look at me."We should get back to the house." He says in a monotone. "Niall, please don't be like that." I say my voice cracking. He didn't even know how much I loved him. He was killing me inside...I could feel myself slowly giving up the fight. Niall didn't want me here. Niall doesn't even look at me, he just keeps walking. I follow behind him, and try not to cry...yet again. Why was I being so emotional...?

** Niall's POV **

I walk ahead of Madison slowly dragging my feet. I kept hurting her...everytime she tried.. I snapped. The best thing I could do was completely ignore her. I hear her trying not to cry behind me, and I inwardly cringe. She was making this so hard. I just wanted to take her pain away... I wanted her to be mine, and only mine... I already had a commitment though, and her name was Lydia. I couldn't have Madison... I couldn't even defend her against Lydia. I was losing her, and she didn't know I loved her so fucking much. I see the house ahead, and stop at the edge of the woods. Madison walks up beside me, and laces her fingers in mine. Just like when we were little. I squeeze her hand before dropping it. "I love you." I swear I hear her whisper. I stand frozen in place, and watch the love of my life run into Harry's arms. I watch as he glares at me from over her shoulder. "Stop pushing her away!" He mouthes angrily to me. I glare at him, mad he was hugging her. I should be the one hugging her. I feel hands on mine, and turn to see my mum's worried face. "Niall, she has bruises on her wrist. Did you do that?" My mum asks softly. I look at the ground, "Niall James Horan, I have never been so disappointed of you in my life." She says walking away from me with tears in her eyes. I was losing everyone...but most of all I was losing Madison. I try to hold myself together as I walk past them. Madison looks me in the eyes with tears about to overflow. I look away quickly, and I stray tear falls down my cheek. It was the first tear I had cried in a year. "Ni-Ni! I am here!" I hear Lydia's voice screech once I am inside. Just the cherry on top.

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