I Need You 13

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Chapter 13

Niall sighs as I play with strands of his hair. "I have to stick to my decision, Ni." I say looking up into his eyes. "I know." He mumbles unhappily. "I am going to get up now. Liam and Abby are coming over to visit today. I haven't seen Abby in years." I say smiling. "You know Liam's girlfriend?" Niall asks confused. I get up out of bed, and stretch. "I know her from when I moved to America." I say walking to the bedroom door. "Oh." Niall says not getting up. I open the door, and make my way to the guest room. I see Harry fast asleep in the bed. "Harry.." I say shaking his side. "Leave me alone." He growls half asleep. I may view him as a brother, but his morning voice was sexy. "Don't growl at me. Dude, get up." I say leaning over his face. Harry pulls me over him onto the bed, and holds me against his chest. He claps his hand over my mouth, "Ah, thats better. No more talking." He says shutting his eyes. I bite his hand, "Ouch! You little shit!" Harry says yanking his hand away from my mouth. "Serves you right!" I say sticking my tongue out at him. Harry starts to tickle me, and I start laughing like crazy. "N-N-Niall!" I yell before Harry tickles me again. "Irish boy can't help you this time, Snuggle Button." Harry says chuckling. "I am not your Snuggle Button!" I scream inbetween laughs. Niall comes running so fast that he trips in the doorway, and lands on his face. I look at Harry, and we bust out laughing. "I am going to kill you two!" Niall groans from the ground. I stand up, and help him off the ground. I notice his knee is bleeding, "Ni, you cut your knee. Harry, do you have any band aids by chance?" I say helping Niall to the bathroom. I make him sit on the toilet, and prop his leg up on the ledge of the shower. I rinse his knee off as Harry walks into the bathroom with a box of band aids and a bottle of medical alcohol to clean the wound. "Niall, squeeze my hand if you have to. When I pour this on there it will burn." I say opening the bottle. Instead of grabbing my hand Niall grabs my waist, and buries his head against my hip like a scared small child. He grips my waist tightly as I pour it on the wound. "Fucckk." Niall groans against my shirt. I put the bandage on his knee, and notice Harry watching us with a smile on his face. I shoot him a quick glare. "Does it still hurt?" I say kneeling down, so we are face to face. "It burns kinda." He says looking in my eyes. I see pure love in his eyes when he looks at me. No, do not fall for him just yet. You will end up hurt again if it doesn't work out. "Thats good.. I need to go get ready." I say brushing past Harry.

** Harry's POV **

Niall's face looks sad as he watches Madison leave quickly. He finally told her he loved her, and she pushed him away. I could tell she didn't want to be hurt again. I watched the looks they gave each other a couple of minutes ago. It was true love.. like seen in the movie, 'The Notebook.' Yes, I watched that movie... It was actually pretty good. "Niall, what did she says when you told her?" I say looking at him. He frowns, "She said she loved me back, but just wants to be friends right now." He says frustration. By the way he looked at her you could tell he just wanted to hold her every second of everyday of every year. "Ask her on a date." I say seriously. "I didn't even think about that..." Niall says smacking himself in the forehead. "Or ask her to be your date to the charity masquerade ball this year. If you don't I will." I say winking at him before I leave. "Cheeky bastard!" I hear him yell at me. Yep, thats me! I smirk as I walk to my room to get changed. Liam and Abby should be here in about a hour or two.

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