I Need You 26

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Chapter 26

** Niall's POV **

To say I was a asshole was a understatement. I did actually have a band meeting in Dublin today, but I didn't know management had my 'new girlfriend' waiting there for me. I hadn't even met her before, but she kissed me as soon as she saw me. And of course the pap got pictures of us kissing. The picture was probably on magazine stands across the country by now. To top it off management said I had to act like I never even knew Madison or dated her. But I had dated her....and I made love to her. I even wanted to fucking propose to her! But because of management I had to give her the cold shoulder... I was lost, and just wanted to hold her. The look on her face when she yelled at me killed me. I did this to her. I was the one who hurt her. I was a coward for not standing up to management. I pick up my phone, and dial my mum's number. "Mum, I did something fucked up.." I say as silent tears drip down my face. I was worthless..

** Madison's POV **

He didn't even call me once. He didn't even try to apologize....once. If he called at this very moment I would forgive him... I knew deep down that he didn't cheat on me. There had to be a reason. I had been laying around my house in sweats for about a week now. The only person who's calls I answered were Rain's calls. I couldn't even talk to Harry. It made me think of Niall... I tried going out yesterday, but on the way to work I saw magazines with Niall and his new girlfriend on it. Did he really move on that fast? I hear my phone buzzing, and I sigh grumpily. I see my best guy friend, Logan Lerman, was calling. "What?" I say sighing. "Finally! You haven't answered my calls in atleast a week! Rain told me what happened. If I see this Niall guy, his ass is grass!" Logan says into the phone. I almost smile, key word 'almost'. "Logan, you need to calm down. What did you need?" I say wrapping the blankets around me as I lay on the couch. "Oh, just wanted to let you know I am visiting you as of... now." He says before hanging up. I lay my phone down, and hear the front door open. I feel someone pull my covers back, and snuggle against me. "Maddy, you can't stay in here forever." Logan says as I lay my head on his chest. I am glad I had him. He was like my big brother...like Harry used to be. I honestly missed Harry a lot... "I can try, though." I mumble against his chest. "I won't allow it!" Logan says tickling me. I try to hold back my laughter, "S-Stop!" I giggle. "See you are actually are laughing!" Logan says blowing a wet kiss on my cheek. "Ew! You got spit on my cheek!" I say as I stick my tongue out. "Now, go get ready so I can take you shopping. It will be my treat." Logan says kissing my forehead. I shove him playfully, "If I didn't know you that well, I would think you are gay." I say trying to hold back laughter. "That hurts. Now, get dressed, ya filthy animal!" Logan says pulling the blanket off me. "I need that!" I say blushing. I was just in a t-shirt and underwear. "I like shows though." Logan says smirking. "Asshole." I say as I yank the blanket away from him. "Heard that!" Logan yells as I slam my bedroom door. I throw on some faded jeans and a white t-shirt. I put on mascara before fixing my long wavy hair. I sigh before walking out of my bathroom. I grab a tan peacoat, and pull on tan Toms. I walk out of my bedroom, and see Logan talking to someone on my phone. He tells the person bye, and places my phone down. "Who was it?" I say holding my breath. "Harry. He said Niall started drinking again... Niall is going back to his old ways." Logan says gauging my reaction. "He deserves it." I say coldly. "Stop lying to yourself, Maddy. You still care for him." Logan says standing up. "I do, but he still deserves it." I say with no emotion. "If you think he does.... I am just pissed he cheated on you, what type of man does that?" Logan says shaking his head angrily. "A Irish man whore, that is who does that." I say my voice dripping with venom. "Damn, I am glad you aren't mad at me. Let us be off! You need a distraction right now." Logan says smiling as we walk out of my front door. Hopefully, this would be a good day.

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