I Need You 7

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Chapter 7

** Madison's POV **

I hear a soft knocking on my door, "Who is it?" I groan. Niall and Lydia had been having sex the whooooole night. I literally got maybe five minutes of sleep. I shut my eyes, and I hear the door open. Someone squeezes my sides, and I let out a high pitched yelp. I turn, and glare at the laughing culprit. "Harry, I am going to chop off your balls." I snap throwing a pillow at him. "Well I see you aren't much of a morning person." Harry says sitting down beside me on the bed. I sit up, and lean on his side. Gosh, his skin was so warm. "Maura told me to come get you. She wants us to go shopping today." Harry says scratching his bare chest. "So you couldn't put a shirt on before you came to wake me up?" I say raising an eyebrow at him. I rest my chin on my hands that were laying on his shoulder. "It was you I was waking up." Harry says winking at me. I pull back, and he stands up to go. I slap his butt, "Cheeky bastard." I say sticking my tongue out at him. "Oh, I am the cheeky one?" Harry says winking at me yet again before leaving. This would be a wonderful day, well if I didn't have to meet bridzilla that is. I stand up to go get ready. I was glad I already took a shower last night. I put on some foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. I fix my naturally wavy hair, and brush out the ends. Wow, my hair was all the way to the small of my back now. Sweeet. I throw on a dark navy blue blouse with white anchors on it, and some white khakis. I pull on my dark navy blue Toms, and pull back the top layer of my bangs to clip up with a white lace bow. I quickly brush my teeth, and grab my cellphone. Harry knocks on my door, and walks in wearing a royal blue button down shirt. I could see he had a white t-shirt on underneath. "You look nice. Are you ready?" He says holding out his elbow. I lace my arm through his, "You also look quite dashing, Mr. Styles. Yes, I am ready." I say smiling at him. Harry laughs, "You out did me on that one." He says grinning his sideways grin/smirk. I hear someone clear their throat behind us. I turn to see Niall in his boxers, and shirtless. His naturally brown hair was pointing in every direction. "Where are you going?" He asks Harry. I see him shoot me a quick glance. God..he looked so hot like that. I think gawking at him. His fiance, Lydia I think, comes out wearing only Niall's white shirt. I look Niall dead in the eye, so he can see my pain. I see Lydia smirk slightly, that bitch. "Lydia, go back to bed." Niall says commanding her to. Lydia frowns, "Ni-Ni..." She whines. Good lord, she was annoying. Her voice was so nasily, "Go to bed, Babe. I need to talk to Harry." Niall says kissing her lips. I turn away, "I think I heard Maura call for me." I say so only Harry can hear me. Harry grabs my hand, and holds it tightly. He turns to face me, "Its best if you show him it doesn't bother you." He says smiling sadly. I nod my head, and stand beside Harry still holding his hand. I see Niall glance at our hands, and he looks upset. "Nevermind. I don't want to talk to you now." Niall says looking at me the whole time. I try to show no emotion, "Have fun." I say my voice laced with hurt. Niall looks up at me, and I can see the pain on his face. It basically said, "Don't do this to me." I saw the look so many times when we were little. I turn my back on him, and Harry walks beside me down the steps. I notice we are still holding hands, but I didn't want to drop his. Harry looks down at me, and winks at me before dropping my hand. Was I starting to like him...?

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