I Need You 19

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Chapter 19

I walk slowly over to Niall's room. It could have been 'our' room, but not now... I turn the door handle, and it is locked. Shit. I say mentally swearing. I see a key on the top of the door. I reach on my tiptoes, and let out a grunt as I stretch as far as I can to get it. It falls into my palm successfully. I slowly unlock his door, and put the key back. I turn the knob, and open his door slowly. His head was under a pillow, and he was laying on his back under the covers. I make my way over to the bed, not making a sound. I crawl under the covers with Niall, and hug him tightly. Niall tenses immediately, but doesn't talk. "I-I am sorry, Ni." I mumble against his chest. I put my hand on his cheek underneath the pillow, and place my palm on his cheek. I rub the pricklys on his cheek with my thumb. Niall relaxes, but still makes no attempt to look at me or apologize. Wow. He really didn't want to talk to me. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, and I watch it hit the skin on Niall's arm. I get text from Harry, and I know he is here. I get up from the bed, and look at Niall one last time before letting my tears free fall. "I love you..." I whisper before walking to the door. I hear a knock on Niall's front door, and I dart to go open it. Harry is standing at the door with snow covering his jacket, and little white flakes in his hair. Harry sees my tears, and hugs me instantly. "Do you want to change back into your jeans?" He says kissing the top of my head. I nod my head, and make my way back to Niall's room. I grab my jeans, and walk into the bathroom. I slam the door before yanking off Niall's sweatpants, and replacing them with my jeans. Once, out of the bathroom I throw Niall's sweatpants at him. I walk back over to Harry, and I see him looking at something behind me. I turn to see Niall glaring at Harry. "Maddy, can we talk about this?" Niall says looking at me. I see guilt and hurt in his eyes. "Nope. I tried, but you just ignored me. As I would say: go fuck yourself, Mr. Horan." I say before going to stand beside Harry. He shrugs off his jacket, and hands it to me. "Please, Maddy.. don't leave... I am sorry.. I am so sorry." Niall says grabbing my hurt wrist. I cringe away from him, and yelp in pain. My wrist was now throbbing. I look up at Niall, and he looks horribly pained. He remembered he was the one who did this to my wrist. "Harry, I will be out in a minute." I say glancing at him. Harry doesn't look too happy, but leaves anyways. Niall pulls me against his chest, and hugs me as soon as Harry leaves. "P-Please, don't break up with me... I need you.. I love you.." Niall says kissing my head. I lean against the wall behind my back, and sigh deeply. Niall roughly presses me against the wall, and starts to kiss me. I let out a gasp in shock, and Niall takes the advantage of letting his tongue explore my mouth. I twist my fingers in his hair, and pull it tightly as we make out. I pull back for breath, and we lean our foreheads on each other's. "I..have..to go." I say catching my breath. "Please, don't break anything while I am gone. This is our place, so that means it costs me money, too." I say kissing his cheek before making my way to the door. "Can you take one of my jackets..." Niall says with jealousy in his voice. "If it bothers you that much, yes." I say leaning on a wall next to the door. Niall walks to his room, and comes out wearing a Manchester United jacket with his last name on the back. "I see you remembered my favorite football team." I say taking off Harry's jacket. "How could I forget?" Niall says helping me put it on. Oh, it was nice and warm. "Calm down tonight, and we can meet up tomorrow." I say grabbing his hand. I lay Harry's jacket over my arm. "Goodbye, Mr. Horan." I say kissing his lips. "Goodbye to you, future Mrs. Horan." Niall says kissing my lips. I laugh slightly, and drop his hand before turning to leave.

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