I Need You 16

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Chapter 16

I feel someone shifting beside me. I flutter open my eyes, and see bare skin. I look up, and see Niall's chin. I intertwine our legs, and Niall kisses the top of my head. "Morning, love." Niall says sleepily. I pull back from him slightly, and Niall looks at ne sleepily. He had a slight 5 o'clock shadow, "You need to shave." I say rubbing his scruff with my manicured hand. "I like my scruff." Niall says pouting. I poke his bottom lip, and it quivers. I start laughing, and Niall growls playfully. "Did you just growl at me?" I say grinning. "No..." Niall says smiling his mischievous smile. "You sit on a throne of lies!" I say quoting 'Elf'. "You are a goof. Come on lets get up. Do you want me to drive us to Star Bucks?" Niall says playing with my hair. I playfully snap at his fingers with my teeth. "Come on, Cheeky." He says pulling me out of bed. "Only if I can wear your beanie." I say biting the side of my lip. Niall groans, "Fine." He says sighing. It was his favorite beanie, the one that was heather grey with a green four leaf clover on it. I jump out of bed, and dart to the bathroom. I pull on my navy blue sweater with heather grey hearts going horizontally across it that went past my waist, and snow white skinny jeans. I curl my hair, apply mascara, and put on some light pink lip gloss after brushing my teeth. I pull on heather grey wool socks that went above the boots slightly. I pull on my heather grey Uggs with navy blue bows on the back of them. I walk out of the bathroom, and grab the beanie from Niall's hands. "You look beautiful, but I like it more when you just wake up." He says kissing my nose. I stand on my toes, and kiss his cheek. I pull on his beanie, "Aw, fuck it. Niall, I will be your girlfriend." I say kissing his lips. Niall instantly gets ten times happier, and lifts me in the air twirling me around. He sets me down, and runs out of the room! "MADISON IS MY GIRLFRIEND NOW!" Niall yells waking everyone up. I walk to the doorway, and see Abby's bedhed pop up from infront of the couch. "Congratz. Now, shut the Hell up, Niall." Abby says before flashing a smile, and laying back down. "Hoorah, now let me sleep, mate." Liam groans tiredly. "Thanks for waking me.. I would hate to see what he does if he proposed, and you say yes." Harry says winking at me. I stifle a laugh, and Niall flips Harry off. "We are going to Star Bucks, grumpy asses." Niall mumbles. I punch his arm, "I meant lovely friends." He says opening the door for me. "Thats what I thought." I say as he closes the door. Niall grabs my hand, and some girls run up to us. "Oh my gosh, Niall Horan! Can we have your autograph?!" A girl with a British accent asks Niall. He looks at me kind of agrivated, but he doesn't let it show. "Babe, do you want to go to the car?" Niall says wrapping his jacket around me as it starts to snow. I shake my head no. "Is she your girlfriend?" One of the fans asks. "Yes, she is my beautiful girlfriend." Niall says kissing my cheek. "Aww!" Both of the girls say in unison. I smile, "Nice to meet you." I say holding out my hand. They grin widely, "No, no, its very pleasant to meet you!" One of the girls says. After getting pictures of them with Niall and suprisingly me, Ni and I head to his car. He opens the door for me, and jogs to his side of the car. He quickly starts the car, and blasts the heat. The snow was falling heavily now, "Sorry about that. The media will be all over us tomorrow, since we are a new couple." He say buckling up. "It will be okay. I am just glad you didn't lie to them." I say smiling. "You look so cute when you smile. You only have one dimple, and its on your right cheek." Niall says rubbing my cheek. I grab his hands, and blow on them. "Your hands are freezing!" I say rubbing my hands over them. Niall kisses my cheek, and puts his hands on the steering wheel. I buckle my seatbelt as we drive to Star Bucks. Oh, how I longed for some warm coffee.

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