I Need You 25

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Chapter 25

I sigh tiredly, and open my eyes. Niall smiles widely at me, "Good morning, gorgeous." He says kissing my forehead. I cuddle more against him, and he lazily wraps his arm around my waist. "Mmm...your so warm." I say snuggling more against him. "You fell asleep after....so I put one of my shirts and your underwear on you." Niall says playing with a strand of my hair. "Oh...um sorry... it was amazing like the best ever...I just...you made me tired and slightly sore..." I say blushing. I hide my head against his chest, "I am glad you like it because I loved it." Niall says pinching my butt. I yelp slightly, and pull away from him. "Oww..." I say softly. Concern and guilt flash across Niall's face. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Shit, I am sorry, Madison." Niall says watching me worriedly. "That hurt." I say pouting. A goofy grin breaks across Niall's face, "I thought I made you mad..." Niall says sighing in relief. "Nope. I am actually not mad, but I don't want to move... My legs are sore." I say cuddling back against Niall. "Should I apologize?" Niall says chuckling. "Well...yes and no..?" I say biting my bottom lip. "I am sorry I made you sore, but I am also not sorry because that means I did my job right." Niall says and I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Asshole." I mumble. "Cunt." Niall mumbles. "Love you!" I say smiling widely. "Love you more, Snookems!" Niall says kissing my lips softly. "Ew, not Snookems!" I say scrunching up my nose. "Okay, okay...do you want to take a nap?" Niall whispers in my ear. I nod my head yes, "Take a nap, and by the time you wake up I will be back." He says starting to get up. "What?! It's Christmas Day!" I say unhappy. "Maddy, I have to go into Dublin for band business today." Niall says rubbing my arm. I pull away from him, and cross my arms over my chest. Now I was pissed. Niall sighs, "Fine. Just go." I snap now in a bitchy mood. I hear Niall get out of bed, and hear him start to get dressed. I shut my eyes, and try to fall asleep. I was alone on Christmas Day all the time, especially after my parents passed. I should be used to it by now. I mean Niall didn't need to be with me 24/7. I hear the bedroom door shut signalling that he had left. I try to relax, and some how manage to fall asleep.


*YOU AND I BLOODLINES, WE COME TOGETHER EVERYTIME * My phone buzzes letting me know someone was calling me. I really needed to find a new ringtone... Actually, I liked Jessie Ware- Wildest Moments. It was a good song. I groggily pick up my phone, and see it is a blocked number. "Hello?" I say half asleep. "Niall is cheating." The voice says before hanging up. "What the hell?" I think outloud. Niall wouldn't cheat on me. He wasn't like that...anymore. I shrug it off, and pull the comforters off me. I glance at the clock it was 8 p.m. already. Wow...I had slept all day. I glance around the room, Niall still wasn't back. I make my way downstairs in just Niall's shirt and my underwear. Its not like anyone would see me other than Niall. I hear the door open, and I pissed looking Niall saunters in. "Hey, how was it?" I say smiling tiredly. Niall glances up at me, and shrugs his shoulders. Must not be in the mood to talk. I walk to the fridge, and grab a bottle of water. Niall sits on the couch, and turns on the television on. I sit next to him, and he scoots away from me. Well he was acting weird... "Ni, whats wrong?" I say softly. He doesn't even look at me, "Did I do something to make you mad..?" I say my voice straining. Do not cry. Don't cry. Niall looks up at me with a blank face, "No. Please, just shut up. Your voice is giving me a headache, and you are acting clingy." He ssys his voice cold. My mouth drops open as I let out a whimper. I get off the couch, and run up the stairs. I slam the door to our bedroom. I yank of his shirt, and throw it against a wall. I get dressed quickly, and my phone starts to ring yet again. "Really!" I snap as I grab my phone. I see Rain, my assistant, is calling me. "Hello?" I say trying not to sound mad. "You are dating Niall Horan, right?" She asks nervously. "Yes, why do you ask?" I say curiously. "Is their a fax machine near you?" Rain asks. "Yes, right beside me." I say, now very curious. "The fax number?" She says as I hear typing in the background. I read it off to her, "Madison, I had to tell you right away. I need to go, it is best you take in this information alone." Rain says before hanging up. I hear the fax machine start to get something, and a article prints out. With Niall and a girl who was not me...kissing...today...at a shop in Dublin. It said her name was Zoe, and she was a model. I take a deep breath, and feel my eyes stinging. I was definitely about to cry. ** Looks like Niall has found a new improved girl! ** The front page reads. That's why he has been acting so distant today. He fucking cheated on me! Angry tesrs stream down my face as I grab my suitcases. I drag then down the stairs, and see my limo outside. I grab the article, and throw it in Niall's lap. My tears were flowing freely now. "I wish I would have never met you! I regret ever having sex with you! You haven't changed since I first saw you again! I actually loved you, Niall! You cheated on me, and used me! We are through!" I scream at him before rushing to the front door. I grab my suitcases, and drag them out the front door. The driver puts them in the limo's trunk as I climb in the car. My destination was America...being in Ireland always caused me problems. I see Niall slam the front door shut without looking at me. I was beyond done with him.

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