I Need You 3

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Chapter 3

Harry grabs my bags from the trunk, and we walk to the large wooden front door. "Go on and open it." Harry says standing beside me. I cautiously push open the solid wood door. Harry follows me in, and sets the bags down before shutting the door behind us. "Since, Maura isn't back yet I will show you to the room. Its on the third floor with Niall's room and my room." Harry says picking the bags back up. I follow Harry up the mahogany wooden steps. He stops outside of a white wooden door. I watch as Harry pushes it open, "This is your room." He says as I walk in. I look at the metallic dressors and wardrobe. They look old and antique, the room was beautiful. I walk over to the king-sized canopy bed. The covers were a dark blood red, and the drapes on the poles to make the canopy were a soft creamy color. "I will let you get comfortable. My room is that one right there, and Niall's room is right next to yours. You guys actually have adjorning doors." Harry says bringing my suitcases in the room. "Thank you, Harry. I really mean it." I say smiling at him. "You're welcome." He says smiling back. I watch as he disappears down the stairs. I shut the door, and change into a pair of sweat pants and a old shirt. I lay down on the bed, I really needed a nap.

*************************************** Niall's POV **

"HARRY!" I scream madly. Who the Hell did he bring to the house now?! "What do you need?" Harry says walking into the hallway where I am. "Who is here?" I say seething with anger. I bet it was another whore. My fiance would not be happy. "Dunno. Your mum had me get someone from the airport. She hired a veterinarian to check out the horses." Harry says shrugging. It seemed like he was telling the truth. "You know how Lydia is." I say sighing. "You mean the bitch who is cheating on you? Yeah, we all know how she is, too." Harry says before walking off. "I am going to check the guestroom then. I bet you brought home another whore." I sneer starting to walk up the stairs. "Niall, just...don't be mean to her. She is sweet." Harry says seriously. I laugh at him before practically running up the stairs. I go into my room, and open the adjorning doors. I see a tall slender frame sleeping in the covers. The girl's long wavy honey brown hair fanned over the pillow. I start to walk towards her, but she turns on her side. She is suddenly facing me, and her face makes unwanted memories flood into my brain. No. No! Not her! It was Madison Maher. The only girl I really ever loved.

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