I Need You 9

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Chapter 9

"Mum, I need to get home." Niall says brushing against me yet again. "Niall, we are not done today. We just got to Dublin. Lydia can go back to London if she would like." Maura says winking at me. I stifle a laugh, and Harry elbows me playfully in the side. This one was a cheeky bastard, reminded me a bit of myself. I glare at Harry, and Niall's phone starts to ring. I watch him walk off, and start yelling into the phone. "Must be the cheating whore." Harry says winking at Maura. She laughs slightly, "Lyida is pissed." Niall says walking back over. "Look if it makes her happy I will just go back to the house. Maybe she won't think you are cheating then." I say shortly. Niall looks at me, "How will you get home?" He says suspicious. "Harry and I can take a cab." I say looking at Harry. "That sounds cool." Harry says calling down a cab. "Have a nice day out with your mother." I say to Niall. "Have fun with Harry." Niall says with disgust. I feel my heart drop, and Harry looks mad. "Maura, I am sorry..but Niall stop being such a dick! No wonder the other boys left." Harry snaps at him. Niall looks angry, "Just go back to your whore." Niall says looking at me. Oh, no he did not. "I am through with you. No one can save you, Niall James Horan." I say close to tears before getting into the cab. I look at Maura through the window as we drive away. She looked rather upset with Niall. Harry puts his hand on my shoulder, "Its Lydia doing this to him. Its all her." Harry says comforting me. I didn't really feel like talking.


I climb out of the cab as soon as we arrive back at the house. I open the front door, and immediately head for my room. I hear moaning coming from Niall's room? Niall wasn't home..? I pull out the recorder on my phone, and push the adjorning doors open. I video tape Lydia on top of a random guy having sex. She sees me, and her eyes grow wide. "Its-its not what it looks like..." She stutters covering herself. "To Hell if it isn't!" I scream. I stop recording, and slam the door. I hear the limo coming into the driveway. I run with my phone, and hug Niall as soon as he gets out. "Niall!" I say desperately. He pushes me back slightly, and looks confused. Lydia comes out of the house in just Niall's shirt. "Don't listen to her! Niall, babe I would never do that!" She screeches. "What are you talking about?" He says confused. Harry comes running out of the house, "Madison and I saw her cheating!" Harry yells. Niall looks from Harry to me to Lydia. "Ni, she was cheating on yo-" I start to say. "She would never cheat on me! All of you are worthless! Madison, you are a desperate whore! Nobody could ever love you! I never did! Just leave!" Niall screams pushing me away. He pushes me into Harry's arms, and I watch as he hugs Lydia. He was really that far gone.... I lost him... I lost Niall to...to her... "I loved you, Niall! But n-now I hate you!" I scream running in the house. I let my phone drop out of my hand, and I run into the house, tears were free falling as I grab my bags. This was a mistake. He was a mistake. Niall never loved me...he just said it.. I start to break down completely, and I brush past Harry as I walk out the front door. I forget all about my phone as I climb into the limo. Forget them all. Forget her. Forget Niall. I was done. I hope he was happy. I see Maura slap Niall across the face as she cries, and Harry chases after the limo yelling for me. "Take me to my jet, please." I manage to choke out to the limo driver. I hated Niall. I hated him.

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