Chapter 15- Dinah's Confession

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A/N: So a lot of you want AB Dinah but I'm not sure if I'm going to have her in this story, at least not yet. I'm going to play around with a few ideas first and see what I think will work best! I hope you still like this and don't be afaid to let me know your thoughts  :)

Also! my friend Emma3671 is converting some fics into 5H ageplay so It would be awesome if you checked them out too!


"Come on Camzi, you have to take a nap!"

Lauren was trying to get Camila down for a small nap, but Camila being, well, Camila was making the task very difficult for her to do so.

"No mommy, no nap!" Camila said crawling over a bed trying to get on the opposite side of the room from where Lauren was.

"Little girl. If you don't listen to your mommy you know what'll happen." Lauren said seriously. She was getting tired of chasing the smaller girl in circles.

"But I'm not tired." Camila stomped her foot.

"You're getting cranky though and need to take a small nap. Only an hour little o-."


Lauren took a visible breath in before strutting over to the brown eyed girl. "Ok, I warned you." She picked up Camila and brought them both to the edge of the bed. Lauren sat down and laid Camila over her lap, tugging off her bottoms as well as her diaper she had on, reveling her bare butt.

"Mommy no! Please!" Camila sobbed, "I sowwy mama, I be a good girl."

Lauren hated when the small girl cried, and it hurt even worse now that she a bigger role as a mommy. Sure the spanks hurt Camila physically, but they also hurt Lauren emotionally.

"I know baby girl, but you know the rules. You were being bad and yelled at mommy so now you get spankings. I'll only do five this time since it is on your bare bottom this time." Lauren told her.

"Please mama.." Camila tried one last time.

"I'm sorry, mija." Lauren whispered.

A slap rag out through the room followed by a sob. Camila let her tears start to fall. Four more slaps were heard throughout the room before Lauren scooped to small Cuban back up into her arms.

"It's over baby, it's ok I have you. Mommy isn't mad at you. I love you little one." Lauren cooed in her ear. Camila just nodded and pulled herself closer into Lauren's chest.

Lauren rubbed her back and played with her have for a few moments after, wanting Camila to calm down.

"Here, stand up baby, let's pull up your pants and get you into bed now, ok?" Lauren asked softly.

Camila nodded and slowly pulled herself off the lap the older girl. Lauren held on to the edge of her pants and diaper and yanked both of them upwards, back in place. Lauren stood up and picked up her little one, placing her on her hip, and then walked over to Camilas bed to tuck her in. She placed her friend down on the bed and placed the covers over her.

"Do you want your paci, baby?"

Camila nodded and Lauren went over to grab her favorite pink one. While she was there, she also grabbed Camilas tan bear and her blankey. She returned to the girls side with the objects the Camila both needed and Lauren just wanted her to have.

"Here you go baby." She said while offering the paci to her little. Camila opened her mouth and Lauren placed it between her lips. Camila noticed that Lauren also brought over her teddy and blanket and instantly lifted her arms up and used her grabby hands to let Lauren know that she also wanted the two objects to hold.

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