Chapter 2.

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Heey :)

Here's the next chapter..

Picture of Jesse Metcalfe on the side ==> 

He plays Tristian.. SMOKING ;)

Enjoy :) xo

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"Those were some awesome rides!" Riley squealed as Jake and I approached her after the low tide crept in. 

I loved surfing. The thrill of defying the waves, riding on them, the cool water contrasting against the heat of the sun. I loved the feeling of the water beneath my surf board, the way the wind whipped my hair as I skidded through the water.

It was a thrilling, peaceful and statisfying feeling.

"Yeah I know, I totally kicked Aria's butt."

"Ha.ha, I love how you dream Jake, but maybe if you actually did half the things you say, you wouldn't be such a looser." I smirked at him. "Maybe if you just admitted you completely suck you wouldn't be living under this illusion of yours." He told me.

I rolled my eyes and stripped out of the surf suit, my bikini was slightly wet, but not too bad. It was purple, the bright magenta purple. I loved it, it brought out my golden-ish skin, my auburn-blonde hair were a contrast to it and well I had a pretty good body.

"Aria, are you sure you don't need to work out lately?" Jake asked me, looking at me with a glint in his eyes. I scowled at him, "Oh you're just jealous you're never going to get a chance to run your hands down this prize" I said skimming my body. He laughed and turned to Riley who was looking at us in amusement. I pulled on Sarong and we began walking home.

Jake and I were like bestfriends. Always bickering, he was the perfect brother, unlike my real one Zac. Freaking man-whore he was. But I still loved him I guess. Ew. Ofcource only as a brother.

My personality was outspoken. I always said what I thought. I didn't take shit from anyone and I sure as hell didn't let anyone walk over me. I hated all those bimbo cheerleaders in their short skirts and boob tubes and they're orange faces, caked with too much make-up. They usually cheered for the jocks. Well more for their cocks. Ugh. And there was Britney. THE cheerleader. 

Me and her had this hate thing going on between us. Mainly because I had "Stolen"  Jared, now his the popular jock, the hottest one, from her. But I hadn't really, he used to use her to get some easy sex and she used to oblige, and then he took an interest me.

He started to like me, we dated for about 2 months, but then it didn't work out, ever since then he hasn't showed much interest in Britney and she believed it was my fault! Self-obsessed bitch.

Jared and I are still great friends, his fun to be around.

I sighed as we sayed goodbye, and headed home. Jake lived a few blocks away from me while Riley stayed a few streets away. So he went to drop her and probably make out. 

My house was facing the beach, lucky right?

It was amazing, waking up to the sound of the ocean, only my room had the view too. I loved it. I loved everything about the beach.

"Hey mom, I'm home" "Oh, Hi honey! I'm in the kitchen."

I went and she was baking. "Since when do you bake?!" I asked her.

"Oh you know my old friend Roxanne? Well her husband had passed away around 2 months ago remember? So her and her son, are moving in next door." 

"Ohh, yeah i remember, but that doesn't explain why you're baking" Mom and dad had gone for the funeral and stayed about a week, giving her support. "Obviously I invited them to dinner silly, now go get ready and come down to help me and tell Zac to get rid of his fuck buddy and get ready too."

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