i walked in the house. a nice breeze from the air conditioner i made him buy. the smell of sex is bad enough, add on musk and alcohol and you will throw up. i sat on the little sofa we got when we moved in. i flipped on the 40 inch flat screen. he didn't mention that i pay for the internet, cable, and both our cells. convenient he left those out. i was bored. ive already studied so im all ready for this semester's classes. nothing but smooth sailing till classes start. i had to admit, i was pretty damn curious about what sasuke put in my profile. i pulled out my cell and looked through the app. my face twisted in disgust. the ad he made up for me was simple.

Name: (F/n) (L/n)

Username: avg-guy2

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 180 lbs

Body Type: Athletic Muscular

Position: Top

About Me: timid and a bit shy but really outgoing when you get to know me. looking for a little fun but wouldn't mind more if it came to it.

i had a nice face pic as my profile pic and one body shot of me in my undies. figured it would help people get to know me. they suggested it. sasuke said i had 35 messages within the first 10 minutes of him creating it. i scrolled through it. yeah. lots of nudes. 'fuck me' and 'marry me' were the most common. none of them looked normal at all...except one. i clicked on the profile. wow. this guy actually looked pretty normal. he wore a black hooded jacket that was open revealing a white tee underneath. blue jeans. black sneakers. silver slicked back hair. only thing that really stood out on him was this weird chain on his neck. it was a gold chain with a hollow circle with a upside down triangle that was also hollow. i shrugged. this guy was pretty hot. i looked at the messages.

jashinman1: wassup

i couldn't believe it. not a nude or an invitation. he is actually trying to talk to me like a normal person. i....im actually gonna talk to this guy. gonna go out on a limb here and say he isn't completely crazy.

avg-guy2 (gonna sub for me): im good. you?

he messaged back instantly. i noticed the green dot indicating he is online now.

jashinman1: im alright. sorta horny. you trying to mess around?

i sighed. he is rather blunt. couldn't get a normal conversation out of him after all.

me: really just looking to chat

jashinman1: shit. didn't think you were normal. all these sluts on here make me wish i were straight

i chuckled.

me: you were just testing me?

jashinman1: you could say that. if you were easy, it wouldn't be fun.

me: oh...so you just want sex. shit. i thought you might have been different

jashinman1: really im looking for some friends with benefits. not really looking for a boyfriend but if it happens it happens

ok. im not completely turned off by him. he is actually sorta normal. knows that this is a site for sex but is willing to look for more if he can find it. i shrugged. lets see how far this goes.

me: i guess i could be open to it. not really looking for a slut

jashinman1: then me and you will get along just fine. you got a name?

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now