"Enjoy it while it lasts." She winked at him and that made him chuckle as he watch her go to the other side of the room.

He's been watching her from afar and noticed that she's looking at this specific piece of art for a very long time now so he decided to walk up to her.

She must have been too deep in her own thoughts that she didn't noticed Jungkook beside her. She snapped back to reality when she felt her hands intertwined with his.

"I'm getting jealous." Her head instantly looked at his direction.

"What?" She was confused with his statement because the last time she checked no one's flirting with anyone.

"You've fallen in love with that art. You've been staring at it for a very long time now." He gained a punch in the arms from Eunha because he was being unreasonable.

"Well, it's my favorite piece." She smiled at the art before them.

"Why?" He was curious why this was her favorite among all the other.

"Be-" She was interrupted by ringtone of Jungkook's phone. "Who is it?"

"It's eomma calling. I think we need to go now." He reached for her hands then answered the phone call.

"Yes eomma. We're on our way back now. Bye.." He sighed as he ended the call. "Bunny...We need to go home now." He tried his best to smile and not let Eunha know that he's somehow sad that he won't be seeing Eunha for the rest of their summer vacation.

"Why? Did something happened?" She was worried because sadness was written all over Jungkook's face. She can tell that he's hiding something. "Nothing. Let's go?" She just nodded and hoped that he'll tell her soon what's bothering him.

The ride home was silent. They just played with their intertwined hands and enjoyed each other's company.

Now they're already walking on the street of the Jung's  residence. The distant household noise can be heard along the sidewalk. The street lights are now coming back to life one by one as the sun sets.

"Mind telling me what's up?" Eunha broke the silence.

"My parents decided to go to Jeju this summer."

It's already been 3 weeks without Jungkook. Eunha tried her best to spend her summer without her head constantly telling her I miss him. It's hard for her to wake up knowing that today will not be the same without the one who makes her genuinely smile. But she's glad that summer is almost over, it means Jungkook will be back next week!

She's excited to hear how was his stay in Jeju because they barely talk or text while he was staying at his grandparent's house. He's always busy or tired so she try not to bother him, although she always sends him cute morning and good night messages and occasionally updating him on her whereabouts, but she rarely get a reply from him. Sometimes she feel a little jealous but she can't complain because he's just spending some time with his family.

She decided to wash herself and get ready for the day. Her mom decided to go to the mall today to buy things that she'll be needing for the coming school year. She's too excited so the moment she went out of the shower, she decided to send Jungkook a text message but before she could hit the send button, a caller ID with Jungkook's picture popped out.

She squealed in delight before answering the call. "I miss you babe" That was the first thing she heard in a long time from Jungkook. She didn't realize how much she misses his voice, she was about to cry when Jungkook added "Why are you up so early?"

She blinked her eyes a couple of times first to make sure the tears won't come out. "Eomma wants to go and shop for school supplies today." She's now sitting at the edge of her bed while staring at her feet.

"I have good news. I'm going back today!" With that Eunha instantly turn her head up and formed the biggest grin she could make.

"Really?! Then that means we still a week left before school starts! What time will you be back here? Do you want me to get you at the airport?" She was practically excited to the idea of seeing her boyfriend again.

"Our flight back is 2pm so we might arrived there around 3pm. See you there okay? I miss you so bad." She can see Jungkook pouting in her mind."Okay. Okay, I'll be there. Love you." She giggled. "Okay. Love you too!"

She can't wait to feel his arms around her again. It might be a little over the top but she's crazy in love with Jungkook. She can't imagine life without him. After she hung up, she quickly moved to her closet to find comfy clothes but will also make Jungkook fall for her even more. She decided to wear a denim shorts and Jungkook's shirt that he purposely left so that if Eunha misses him, all she have to do is pull out his shirt that has his scent all over it so it would feel like he's beside her. She grabbed her phone and purse and head out with her mom.


It's been a while since I updated this mianhe readers ;_;

I've been busy with school and dancing so I didn't have enough time to really sit down and work on this. But, thank you for waiting eunkook shippers ♥

How's chapter two? I'm still wondering if I should continue with this story because I honestly don't know if you guys are interested with it :(

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment down below, don't be a silent reader okay? ;)

ps: credits to the rightful owner of the photos I used above

pps: I've been editing my chapters just to correct some grammatical errors  but don't worry I'm not messing with the story 


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