☾Land of the Rogues

Start from the beginning

"Do you think that would work?" A man asked and it finally dawned on me that he was the only man here. There were five women, including me, while there was only one man.

"They're too selfless to let the sister of their precious Moon Goddess die in the hands of rogues." The woman with black braids said bitterly.

I couldn't help myself from blurting out, "Rogues?" Were they werewolves, then?

"This is the land of the rogues, stupid." A girl with wild blond hair said but before I could ask anything else, the leader cut me off.

"Make sure her hands are tied and bring her to the river to clean off her scent. Noelle, stay." She commanded and the tall Asian girl stayed back.

My arms were forcefully bound by the blond girl and the guy. They shoved me out of the tent and the sun's bright amber rays shocked my eyes. The light reflected off the snow, making everything glimmer.

Their camp was actually pretty small with only about ten makeshift tents set up under the pine trees.

"Let's go," The blond girl forced me to walk through the snowy hills in my flats. We reached a half frozen river, like the woman had said, and they pushed me under the water without any warning.




It felt like a thousand needles were sinking into my skin. It shocked my heart and evoked my senses.

When I resurfaced, I was a miserable, shaking mess. I coughed and tried to hug myself but my clothes were soaking wet in zero degree water.

"Sorry but we don't want anyone tracking us." The guy shrugged as he sniffed me and I finally took a minute to study them in my pathetic state.

The girl had feathers woven into her blonde curly hair, pulled back by a brown headband. Her arms were decorated with leather bracelets and she was wearing layers and layers of white animal furs. But what made her stand out was her thick black eyebrows, contrasting immensely with her pale hair and skin.

I snuck a quick glimpse at the guy, too.

Brown furs covered his sturdy body, matching his walnut brown hair. His face was marred with a huge diagonal scar that extended from the right side of his nose, across his nose, until it disappeared under his thick wavy hair. But even with the scar, he was dangerously beautiful. They both were.

They led me back to the woods, where the blond girl shoved me into another tent.

"Get out, Milo," She snapped behind her.

"Why can't I watch?" He asked innocently and I realized that she was going to change my clothes. I breathed in relief, anxious to shed these soaking wet clothes.

"You know damn well. Now go do something useful!" She pushed him out and looked at me, "You better not try anything funny, I can snap you in half before you even blink."

I gulped, "W—Wouldn't think of it." She begrudgingly untied the rope on my wrists.

She dug around and produced a pile of animal furs and belts.

The Moon Goddess [3] ✓Where stories live. Discover now