"You sure showed him, puddin" Harley smiled at me, after glancing at the body of the waiter. "What if someone finds his body?"

"Then they get shot too" I chuckled. The other customers were frantically trying to get out of their seats, screaming so loudly that they nearly shattered their fancy wine glasses. I shot a few rounds in the air to control the crowd. "Stay the fuck in your seats or I'll fucking kill you!" I shouted angrily. "Just... you know, carry on with what you were doing. Pretend I'm not here."

Harley walked over to a couple sitting at a dining table with two chairs near the back of the restaurant, overlooking a window.

"Enjoying your meal?" she asked them. The couple didn't reply. "I'm tryin' to be nice, the least ya could do is talk to me" I shuffled past the tables until I reached the one Harley was near. "I'll give your compliments to the chef then" Harley said, winking at me.

I aimed the revolver at the couple. "The lady asked you a question, at least she's not the one holding a gun to your head is she?" I put the gun close to the male customer's head. I glared at the female customer who he was dining with. "So tell me, how is your food?" I jumped up on the table, kicking everything off the surface of the table until it was clear. I decided to publicly address the snobby clientele in the restaurant. "Listen up! You may not know this but you're all dangerously close to being shoved into body bags...so I suggest you all enjoy your evening. We'll even provide some entertainment for you!" I laughed, then jumped down from the table.

Harley and I stood in-front of the couple. I put my revolver towards the man's head. Harley got a discreet switch-blade knife out from her bra and put it towards the woman's neck.

"Let's invite them onto the stage, shall we?" Harley asked publicly.

The restaurant featured a small stage, with a pole used for pole-dancing in the middle of the stage.

We both forced the couple onto the stage, threatening stances still in play.

"This lucky couple gets to join in the special act tonight! You've got the best seats in the house! Front row seats like this would cost you a fortune if you bought them, think yourselves lucky you're witnessing this. And think yourselves even luckier that you still have your eyes to be able to view this amazing show of entertainment!" I laughed.

"Now... we can't have you two standing up! No, that'd be too uncomfortable for you." Harley said, running off to grab two dining chairs. The dining chairs they were originally sitting in. She shortly returned with one chair at a time.

"Take a seat" I ordered, gesturing politely for them to sit down. The couple sat in a chair each, scared shitless... that was to be expected. "Now, does anyone have a camera? Anyone?" I asked, looking around for a raised hand. "No? Nobody has a camera, not even a phone on them?Bullshit...do we have to come over there and rummage through your expensive handbags too?"

"I already did tehehehe" Harley giggled, holding up an expensive handheld camera which was found in the female hostage's handbag. She handed the camera to me and then reassured the woman she was in control, the knife near the throat situation was always a good way of making people talk.

I inspected the camera. "Well that's no good, it's got a massive crack in the lens!" I dropped the camera on the floor. "Doesn't even take a hit." I then turned to the couple. "Would you two take more hits than this camera?" I asked, putting my gun back in the holster and getting out my switch-blade from my pocket. Guns are so quick, you need to really savour the victim's suffering. This, well this might be a little sharp to use for cutting up your tender meat which is either undercooked or burnt. Chefs can never get it right these days." I started explaining about something random, just to make them think I wasn't going to kill them. For that split-second just before the blade appears from the seemingly harmless sheath. Ping! Out it popped. There we were, about to ruin their romantic evening so me and Harley could have our own romantic evening together. The things I do for love...Hmph.

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