Something Special

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The Joker's Perspective:

I'm taking Harley out for a romantic drive this evening, or so she thinks. In actuality it's another bright idea of mine to shed some light into her thoughts...I want to know what else she's hiding from me. Believe me... this 'Suicide Squad' she mentioned is going to ruin everything, and if she's a part of this then I'm getting her out of it.

I opened the car door for her, as gentlemanly as I could...of course I'm not really a gentleman but at least she thinks I am. She smiled at me and ducked her head to step into the passenger seat, holding up her dress so it didn't get caught in the door. After she made herself comfortable in the seat, I closed the door behind her. I then proceeded to get into the driver's seat. I looked at Harley, with mischief clearly showing in my glare.

I placed my hands firmly on the steering wheel and adjusted the grip of my fingers. I dragged one of my hands and clenched the gear-stick, moving it out of neutral and into reverse.

My foot cranked down onto the accelerator, making the car's tyres smoke and the engine spurt violently. The other foot remained locked on the brake. After a huge smoke-screen was created, I removed my foot off the accelerator and stopped trying to show off...only just a little of course. I reversed the car, turning it around one-hundred-and-eighty-degrees so it was facing the direction which I would be driving in. We're heading back the way we came.

"Where are we going?" Harley asked.

"It's a surprise" I said, half enthusiastically.

"I love surprises!" she replied excitedly.

"Then you'll love this one." I smiled, crunching the gear-stick into first gear.

The car pulled out onto the road, I proceeded to break the speed limit by accelerating past the gears and swerving in and out of other cars. Driving dangerously was a more thrilling joy-ride.


I drove the car into a designated parking space. It wasn't reserved for me, but I can park wherever I want. I'm The Joker. I'd like to see someone try and ask me to move my car from that particular parking space.

This time, it actually was a restaurant car park instead of my apartment. I owed her a romantic evening, but I didn't say it was going to just be a romantic evening...did I? No...there's much more fun in store yet, just you wait.

The restaurant formally labelled as 'Street Cafe Deluxe' was an extremely upper class version of a cafe, with the exception that it was a five star eating establishment. Ugh... big words, don't even think about trying to sound sane again, Joker.

I'll make a mental note: 'Don't try and act sane.' Mental note is now scrunched up and rammed into a dusty corner of my brain, where everything else is.

Anyway...we stepped out of the car, dressed in our incredibly formal clothing and proceeded to the entrance of Street Cafe Deluxe. The glass doors were heavy to open, I held the door open to allow my beautiful plus one to walk inside first. I followed soon after, allowing the door to freely close after letting go.

There stood a waiter standing idle near a small table, dressed in formal attire...bow tie, suit vest with a crisp white undershirt and a piece of linen draped over his arm. He looked repulsively towards us, me especially.

"I know, it's the tattoos. Or is it the green hair that's getting under your skin?" I forced his head up, making him gaze at the face of The Joker. "Are you ashamed to look at me? That's bad, bad for you and for your business. Well we can go elsewhere...if you'd prefer." I looked at his badge which was pinned to his uniform vest. 'Joe' "Well, 'Joe'...We'd like to book a table, and for god sake would you stop trying to avert your eyes from me! That's incredibly rude and offensive, how would you feel if I didn't look at you?" I took out a gun from the holster hidden under my tuxedo, I pointed it backwards and shot the waiter. I didn't look at him when I shot him, see the irony of the situation? I kept the gun actively in my hand, just incase any of the other restaurant staff got any bright ideas. The other hand romantically held onto Harley's hand.

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