Chapter 13

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I hope this Chapter makes up for the previous boring chapter! Thank you again for supporting (:


Dylan opened the door to the mansion. It was huge. They must have been really rich. He didn't mutter a word, probably because he was just in his world, going back through time to when they were all still here.

We walked through the hallway while I was just in awe. Everything was neat and clean. How could a house maintain this clean? I just followed where Dylan walked. He seemed really quiet. All he did was touch the walls and furniture in the house while we walk.

I suppose he realised that I was just following him so he grabbed my left hand and walked side by side.

"I come here every Tuesday to see what I can do to clean it up," he suddenly spoke.

I nodded. I didn't know what to say. What was there to say?

We walked until we reached a table filled with photo frames. We slowed down when I was just admiring the photos.

I saw a photo of Dylan when he was graduating from pre-school. With his graduating robe, and a pretend certificate in his hands. The next picture was the picture I saw in his tree house. And then I saw a picture where both his parents were sitting down and Dylan at their left. But there was like a teenage dark haired girl, straight hair flowing down both her shoulders. Her lips were red, probably from lipstick, and her eyes were Dylan's. Hazel nut.

I was just about to ask who it was when Dylan spoke.

"I had an elder sister," he breathed in, getting ready to explain, "She passed away before my parents were lost. She had anemia. Too much blood was discharged during her period and her period duration was long. She lost so much blood. She was always fainting and she never had the strength to do anything."

He paused to take a breath and I could see him trying so hard to hold his tears, "We were really close. She meant everything to me. I took care of her the most because my parents were busy travelling and busy with work.

"She always told me not to worry about her and that she would be alright. I followed her to the hospital but every time when the doctor needed to tell her about her condition, she always told me to wait outside. Time pass and I realised that she didn't want me to hear because she wasn't getting any better any time soon.

"One day, she had a doctor's appointment so I got ready. I was waiting downstairs for her but she didn't come down even after one hour late. I went upstairs and saw her lying down on the bed covered with blood. The bed was soaked with her blood. I panicked. I was only 8 years old. I didn't know what to do so all I did was cry.

"I saw my sister turn to me with her face, pale and a facial expression that showed she was going to die. She said, 'Dyl?' and I ran to her to hug her. I didn't care about the blood around her. She was my sister. She held my hands tight and kissed them. She kissed my forehead and smiled at me one last time.

"I could even barely hear her voice. My tears were streaming fast and my heart rate increased tremendously. 'Helena...?' I spoke in a cracking voice. I couldn't lose her now. I was going to be all alone. I didn't want her to go.

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