EXTRA P.O.V: Unknown.

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I heard that she said yes, but it's not true. It's a stupid rumour. Of course she didn't say yes. She wouldn't do that to me. She loves me. And I love her. More than she will ever know. I want to know it. I need to know it. If I'm proposing to her, she will say yes. I am sure. I'll bet for one million dollars that she will say yes. She will throw that douchebag aside and live with me. Forever.

I walked down the street, towards her house. She has the most humongous house in the neighborhood, since she and Sean built a house. She really was proud of it. I could tell by the look in her eyes as I stood outside and watched her cleaning or stuff like that. She was proud, but unhappy. I could make her happy. Anyway. I thought of ringing the doorbell but after doubting for a second I didn't do it. It'll come later. I have to prepare first. It was about eleven in the evening. Rose and Sean were sitting on the couch. That should be me. I felt the anger boiling up. I slowly breathed in and out. I walked back to the hotel I was staying at. I came all this way for her, and she'll appreciate it. She will. She has to. No one can make her feel pretty like I can.

Somebody told me it was pointless for me to go and search for her. That she has a new man and stuff, no. I saw the fear in her eyes, she has been living out her life, trying to forget about me. That won't happen. When I land, she's mine. She already is mine. It has been 2
years since I've seen her in person. I still live in our hometown, and she lives in New York City. He doesn't satisfy her. I've had enough of those crying days. There are certain things that I'd come to understand. Expectations can kill a simple man. At least, I have her to rely on. Only a few men can keep a woman like her warm. I know I can. He can't. He's just not right for the girl. If he doesn't leave like I tell him, bad things are going to happen. Time to let her know that I am back in her life.

I made my way downtown, going to the apple store. "iPhone 5C, please." The people in here were slow as fuck, I needed to hurry. I gave them the simple 100 dollars and walked outside. I installed the phone and called her number. Number unrecognizable. "Rose speaking." I smiled at her soft sweet voice. "Hi babe, did you miss me?" It was silent for another moment. "Who's this?" "Oh, you don't remember me?" I walked down her street. "Please just tell me who you are or stop prank calling me." "But Roselynn Marilyn Bailey, this isn't a prank call.." I smirked and laughed. She remained quiet until I heard the familiar beeping noise. She hung up on me.

Not a good choice, baby.

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