Chapter 19.

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Sean's P.O.V.

Last night, we made love. It was great. I called Sushi, Rose was still asleep. "Hey Sean, what's up?" "DAMN BRO MY GIRL IS A TEN!" I heard Sushi laugh on the other side of the line. I looked at the door and saw Rose, still sleeping. "Did you.." I smirked. "Yeah I did.." I heard him laugh again. "Your girl can't compete against Isabella." I bit my thumbnail. "Wanna bet?" It was silent for a second. "Are you serious right now?" I could tell he was shocked by the way his voice shook. "NO! Of course not! I can't lose the love of my life. I love her.. I think I want to introduce her to my parents.." That's when two arms wrapped around my waist. "Goodmorning baby, come to the kitchen when you're done calling." She placed a little kiss on my shoulder and walked passed me. She was wearing a white blouse, a bra and undies. She looked so hot. Her beautiful blonde hair danced when she walked. "Sean, are you still there?" I heard Sushi say. "Uhm, yeah, Sush, I gotta go. Talk to you later, just text me. Okay, bye." I hung up and threw my iPhone upon my bed. I walked to the kitchen and saw Rose sipping on a glass of water. She smiled at me. "Who were you talking to babe?" I rubbed my hands. "Sushi, we just talked about-" Rose smirked. "Me." I could feel my cheeks lit up. "Awhh, is my baby boy blushing?" She walked over to me, lifted herself up by standing on her toes and kissed my nose. And then, she kissed my lips. My hands slipped around her waist. I pulled back. "I'll make you breakfast if you say that I'm the best boyfriend ever, that you'll never let me go and that you will stay by my side until death makes us part." She sighed. "You are the best boyfriend ever, I'll never let you go and I definitely will stay by your side until death parts us."

Rose's P.O.V.

Sean is the sweetest boyfriend ever. He was so gentle with me last night. I love him so much, I can't describe it. He was making me breakfast as I got a text from Bo. Hey perv, beach day today, bring your rape guy. Loveyou xoxo. I smiled. Bo is so crazy. "Sean!" He looked at me through the glass wall that was between us. He let go of everything he was holding and walked over to me. "What's up, love?" I smiled at him and softly ran my fingers through his hair. "Bo asked if we are coming to the beach with them today?" He smiled. "If you want to, I'd love to see you in that bikini. You know, that Black Laced one." I smirked. "Get over yourself granny." That was kind of random. "Granny? Granny? Excuse moi?" He spoke on a french accent. I giggled as he picked me up bridal style. He walked back to the kitchen, me still in his arms. He gently layed me down on the kitchen counter. He kissed me softly. He went back to making breakfast as I still layed there. I played with my blouse, waiting for him to get ready. "But Sean, I need my bikini so-" "SO we'll go and buy you a new one." He winked at me. "With my permission, of course." Oh gosh, he wanted to do bikini shopping with me. Damn. "Well, where do you want to go then?" Please don't say Victoria's Secret. Please don't say Victoria's Secret. Please don't say Victo-.

"Victoria's Secret." Gosh. I could feel my cheeks lit up. "Well, I need to get you new swimming trunks too then." I bit my lip and he smirked. I got of the kitchen counter and sat down at the table. Sean came too with a plate full of pancakes. "Sean! How did you know that I love chocolate chips in my pancakes?" He looked at me. "I didn't.." I smiled and laughed. Then an ache races through my stomach. My face saddened. "Are you okay, sweety?" I looked at him and nodded. "I think I'm having my period, I always have cramps before I get on it." He mouthed an O and ate breakfast, his hand in mine.

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