Chapter 20.

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Rose's P.O.V.

After breakfast, we got ready and drove off to the nearest mall. We walked into Victoria's Secret and saw Sean looking at the bikini's. He grabbed a few and gave them to me. I fit them all and showed them to Sean. He bit his lip every time he checked me out. "I'm so lucky to have my own Victoria's Secret model." He kept on repeating. I bought a few and we walked over to Hollister and bought Sean some swimming trunks. He looked so dang cute in them..Anyways. We walked out of the mall as we saw two familiar faces. Alli and Dustin. No way.. I quickened my pace. Sean look at me. "Why the hurry, babe?" I smiled at him but still quickened my pace. I couldn't help it that I kept looking back. Sean stopped so I got pulled back by him. He looked back and he saw the same as I saw. He turned around and kept on walking, we were walking really quickly, we didn't want to get Sean. I looked back one more time as I saw that they looked in our direction. I grabbed Sean's hand. "Hey Sean!" I heard a feminine voice say. "Fuck.." Sean whispered. He turned around, still holding my hand. "What do you want, Alli?" He slowly walked over to him. "Well, well, well. That is not how you say Hi these days.." She said as she trailed a finger over Sean's chest. I wasn't going to let this happen so I tapped her hand in correction and gave her a wink. She looked at me. "And who is this skunk? Oh, is it the girl from your Instagram post? She ugly." Alli laughed at her own joke. "And you are trying to convince me that you are mother's prettiest?" She stopped with laughing, and looked at Sean again. "Well, we have to do a lot of stuff, so if you excuse us?" I gave Dustin a dead glare and blew a kiss at Alli. I pulled Sean with me and walked towards the car. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and before I could say something, I felt a smack on my cheek. There was Alli. Alli slapped me. "You'd better not touch me." I looked at her. "Oh what are you going to do about it, baby?" She smirked at me and I felt her hand brushing my cheek again. I stood next to her and laid my arm over her shoulder. She looked at me with confusion as we walked a little. Out of nowhere, I put my foot in front of hers so she tripped and fell onto the ground with her face. Nice. I walked back to Sean who stood there in shock. I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the car. We got in and drove off. "Let's go and get changed at home." I smiled at Sean. He grabbed my hand and pulled up.

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