Chapter 7.

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Rose's P.O.V.

He kissed me. Sean. Kissed me. Fireworks, no, nuclear bombs. In a good way. He licked my bottom lip to ask for entrance, I think Imma let him. I opened up my mouth as the kiss became more passionate. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I placed my hands on his cheeks. He pulled away from the kiss after a minute or 2. He looked me in my eyes and smirked. "Rose, you're a terrible kisser. I hope I can improve your skills." I blushed. "Shut up, you are worse." I laughed and pushed him away. He leaned closer to me and pinched my cheeks. "I'm kidding, you are the best kisser ever."

"Sean, why did you kiss me?" I asked him. He smiled at me. "You have to chill out, all those questions," He laughed. "Kidding, but, I kissed you because I long for you. I know you, maybe 29 hours? I feel like you are more than just somebody I know.." I blushed. "Sean, I know you for longer. And I long for you too. It's a little bit fast.. But you are so special. I'm in love with you. Not that kind of serious love. But I love the way you treat me. I love the way you name me names. I love the way you look. I love the way you speak. Nobody has ever been so nice to me in such a short time. Thank you so much, I don't know how to thank you. I just love you." He looked deep into my eyes and in no time, I got lost in his beautiful eyes. "Let's go home."


Sean's P.O.V.

I am not sure.. Do I like her? As I drove her home I was thinking about our kiss. It was fireworks.. I am so confused.. I don't know what to do. I walked her to her front door. "Sean, this was an amazing evening, thank you so much." She smiled. "You are welcome, good night." She kissed me on my cheek and walked inside her house.

As I left, I was thinking about her, about us, about me. I wasn't sure about what I wanted.. I pulled up to my best friend's house; Sushi or Sean Moran. Whatever you like to call him. He has been there for me since our birth.

"Sean, how are you bro? I missed you!" I bro-hugged him as I said: "I missed you too, let's get inside. I have a lot to discuss with you." We walked inside and made ourself comfortable on the couch. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Sushi asked me. "I met this girl yesterday, Rose. She's gorgeous, seriously a 20. I met her yesterday as I said, and tonight, we hung out with each other. I kissed her. She told me a lot about herself. I think I like her. But, It's going a little bit fast, you know what I'm saying? I know that girl for about 29 hours." He nodded. "I can see you there, but if you really like her, than go for it! Once I had this girl, I knew her for, maybe 3 hours? I really wanted to marry her." He said. "Sushi, that was in Vegas. You were drunk and that girl was a hooker. Get over it." I laughed out loud. "I'm in love with a stripperrrrrr." Sushi started to sing. I was laying on the ground of laughter.

It was fun at Sushi's. We had a good time. I was at home and layed down on my bed. I was exhausted. I was about to fall asleep as I started thinking about Rose her blue eyes.. Her everything. I need that girl.


It has been 1 day since they know eachother, so fast! I couldn't think of any other possible way of writing than just doing it this way. The story's going to be interesting! Trust me! 

Big kiss from Holland, Rose xx.

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