Chapter 4.

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Rose's P.O.V.

As I walked away, I was shocked. I just met my crush. Sean O'Donnell. I just met SEAN O'DONNELL AND HE ASKED ME FOR MY NUMBER! My day was perfect.

I layed down on my bed for a couple of minutes. I called my best friends Isabella & Bo. "Guess who I just met?" I asked smiling as Isabella and Bo picked up their phones. "Uhm, I don't know, Sean?" Bo said while laughing. "Actually, yes." I said on a very serious tone. "You are kidding me, right?" Isabella asked. "No I'm not!" I replied. "He asked me for my number!" They were completely shocked. "No way! You're lying!" "Seriously, I'm not!" I said. I told them the whole story about what happened. They started screaming. "NO WAY ROSE, HE IS GOING TO BE YOUR NEXT BOYFRIEND, FOR SURE!" I laughed really hard. My best friends are crazy!

After I hung up, I was really tired. I was about to fall asleep as I heard my phone vibrate. I took it of the nightstand and I saw that I've got a text from Sean.. Wait, I've got a text from SEAN! I opened the text message as fast as I could. It said: Hey! What's up babe? :)

I couldn't believe what I saw. He called me babe. Sean O'Donnell called me babe. The Sean O'Donnell who I have been loving for about 3 million years. I almost forgot to reply. Just chilling, how about you O'Donnell? ;) I laughed at myself. I caught myself smiling like a 6 year old girl. He texted back. Nothing special, but hey, shall we hang out tomorrow? My heart jumped. Did he just wanted to go out with me? I replied without doubting. Sure thing! I think I'm falling in love. Not just his looks kind of love. Real love.


Awhh they are going on a date! Wait, is it a date?

I will give you millions of internet kissies if you would follow my instagram which is _ayeerosa!

Love you guys so much xxxxx

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