The parting

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*Brenden's P.O.V.*

I knew there was a possibilty I was going to see her today.She had at least one test out of the two that were being administrated today.I hated the fact that she'd heard me joking around with my friends.There's no fucking way I'd ever let him have her.He didn't even like her.I only said that cause I was in a playful mood.And like Lily has said before,I play too much.As soon as I saw the death glare Lily gave me when I came in the cafeteria,I knew I was in deep shit.
I saw her again that day and she wouldn't look at me.The floor seemed more interesting to her.I had hoped that she forgot about it the next day but she didn't.If I had a dollar for the amount of times she's been petty and decided to ignore me,I'd be fucking rich.She ignored me and I was sure of it because she didn't pass by where we usually saw each other.And she only did that when she was pissed.So,I got pissed.Did she not understand that seeing her was the only thing I looked forward to in this damn school?I stood outside my classroom waiting for her,hoping that she was late.But she never showed up.
So,I decided to ignore her the next day.I didn't give a fuck if it was the last day of school.She got me pissed.I only saw her once.But when her friend told me I should see her over the summer,I couldn't help but smile.That was something I really wanted to do.
Now I stood in the front of the school after the first test finished.There was a 30 minute break in between the 2 tests.They told us to go in the auditorium but I decided to stay directly outside of it.It was dumb cold in there.
I looked around and saw her.She was with Xio.I only knew the name of her friend this time,because she was in my grade.Xio seemed to be trying to convice her to do something but Lily just shook her head and laughed.She still hadn't seen me.All of a sudden she looked up and saw me.She looked at Xio and said something to her.Her actions were tense and I could tell she was nervous.It's crazy how much me staring affected her.
I watched Lily and Xio walk out the school.So I'm guessing she didn't have a test next period?I stood there trying to decide if I should leave or not.If I left,I had to be back in 30 minutes.I couldn't be late to the next test.But if I didn't leave then, I would be stuck here and wouldn't see Lily for possibly the last time before summer.And who knew if we would see each other in the summer.She might live near me, but she was always outside when I wasn't.
After a minute I decided to go out and walk to the store near our houses.Once I got out I could see Lily and Xio walking.They were far away from me and a lot of people were in between us but I managed to catch a glimpse of Lily's light brown hair.

*Lily's P.O.V.*


"Cause I'm hungry".

"But didn't you see Brenden standing outside the auditorium all alone"I said.

"It's not like you were gonna do anything.You've turned into a pussy again.I don't understand why all of a sudden you're scared to talk to him again.You guys have kissed multiple times and talked multiple times.So why are you scared again"?

"I don't know,Xio.I guess my feelings for him grew and that caused me to be scared again".

She shook her head.

"Ugh but I could've walked by him and he could've seen me and"-

"Lily,are you blind?He did see you.That's why he was staring"!

"Oh yea,but still"I whined.

I complained the whole way to the store.

"We have to walk fast if we want to make it back on time"I said.

"I know".

Finally after a couple of minutes we got to the store.We grabbed some donuts and juice.When we were going outside the store,I saw Brenden walk by us.
What was he doing?He had a test later and he shouldn't have walked out the school.He passed us and kept looking at me.We kept walking.

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