When I saw him[edited]

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The first 3 weeks of school went by fast.

I got lost a couple of times.

And I refused to go in the cafeteria because I didn't know people in my lunch period.

I almost cried.

Thankfully one of the vice principals helped me change my lunch period to 5th period,where I knew some people.

While I waited for the change to be made I had to eat in the auditorium or sit in the main office.

I made many new friends but my closest friends were Sara,Diana, Kylie,and Jane.

Sara was in my first 5 classes.

I had one class and lunch with Diana,Jane,and Kylie.

I was sitting with Kylie during lunch, when a table got knocked down and I saw the boys near it basically run away so they wouldn't get blamed.

One of them stood out,the one with the curly brown hair.

I shook my head.

Boys were so stupid.

The rest of the day went by like usual. Math 6th period,Science 7th,and gym 8th period.

I walked home.

When I was going up the front steps the curly light haired boy walked by my house and stared.

I looked away. I had no interest in having a staring contest with him.

When I opened the door I found my mom sitting on the couch reading a book.

I walked in to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water.

My mom walked in and looked in the fridge.

"Lily could you go buy eggs at the corner store"?

I groaned and grabbed the money.

The corner store was up a hill and I hated going up the hill.

I quickly went up the hill and then went inside and bought some eggs.

I opened the door and almsot bumped into someone.

I looked up to see who it was and it was the curly haired boy.

I looked into his eyes and I almost gasped.They were grey but looked blue at the same time.

They were so pretty and I couldn't help but stare at them.

He stared back and we stood there for what felt like forever but was actually like 3 seconds.

He went into the store and I went down the hill to my house.

When I got there,I put the eggs in the fridge and went to my room.

I looked in the mirror and sighed.I was wearing a burgundy sweater and my hair was in a side pony tail.

Not exactly what I would've worn if I knew I was gonna see a cute boy.

I shook my head to try to get rid of my stupid thoughts.

But he is cute.

Oh well.It's not like it matters.

There's no way I could ever like him.

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