The dance pt.2

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I walked out the dance and walked towards the voices down the hall.

"Look Wendell I don't like Lily ok".

I stopped walking.

"I'm not saying you like her but obviously something is going on because you spent all this time looking at her and you just walked out when you saw her with another boy" Wendell said.

"I'm not in the fucking mood for this".

"I don't give a fuck if your not in the mood for this.You agreed to have fun and you just spent the entire time looking at her.Ask her to her dance and stop being pussy".

"I'm not being pussy.I just don't see the fun in dancing with her".

"This is coming from a person who got mad when he saw her dancing with another boy".

"I just wanted to get some fresh air.It's hot in there".


"Ok you know what,I'll ask her to dance with me but only because I want to see her reaction.She'll probably faint or something".he said while laughing.

I clenched my teeth and turned around to walk back inside the dance.I knew he didn't like me but I didn't know he thought my reactions were funny.That's probably why he looked at me and acted the way he did.Well this time I wasn't gonna care.I wasn't gonna act the same.

*Brenden's P.O.V.*

Wendell and I walked back in.As soon as we walked in an old song came on.Not a bad song to dance to I thought.I began to walk towards Lily.She had her arms crossed and looked pretty mad.The song started playing.

"I never thought I'd be in love like this"....

I stopped right in front of her.She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Do you want to dance"?

She looked at me and shrugged.

"Sure"she said.

I widned my eyes in shock.I had expected a better reaction than that.Did she really just fucking shrug her shoulders as if it were no big deal I thought.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor.I put my hands on her hips and she began to move them.

"I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did"...

She moved closer and so did I.I could smell her hair and it smelled pretty good.

"Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down, just get back up when it knocks you down".

She began to sing and moved to the beat of the music.I couldn't help but move closer to her.She was facing the other way so I couldn't see her facial expression.
I moved my hands up to where her dress wasn't covering her stomach and kept them there.It felt so fucking good to dance with her.
Finally the song finished.She turned around to look at me.I raised my eyebrows at her.She smiled and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I'm sorry if dancing with me wasn't fun".she said.

Then she turned and walked away.

*Lily's P.O.V.*

"You guys are good at dancing together" Sara said.

I rolled my eyes.I was still pissed about what Brenden had said.And he then had the nerve to put his hands on me when we danced.My heart fluttered when I thought about how his hands had been on my bare skin.Ugh why did he even do that?I thought dancing with me wasn't fun.

"Yea but did you see the way they were dancing tho"..Jane said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"You guys were pretty close to eachother"Diana added.

"So? that's how everyone dances".I said.

"True" Sara said.

I watched Wendell and the rest of his friends pat Brenden on the back like he had just won something while he stood there smiling.

*Brenden's P.OV.*

"I can't believe she actually danced with you"Wendell said.

I couldn't help but smile when I remembered how my hands had been on her bare skin.Then I remebered what she had whispered in my ear.
What did she mean?Did she hear what I said to Wendell?
No she couldn't have.If she had she wouldn't have danced with me.She would be crying or really angry.It was probably just a coincidence.
But dancing with her was fun.She was wrong.I walked to the table with the punch bowls.When I got there,I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.I turned around and saw the girl from earlier.

"I thought you said you didn't dance" she said while crossing her arms.

I was about to respond when I realized that Lily was behind her.
She was looking at the girl with anger in her eyes.

*Lily's P.O.V.*

Seriously,this girl does not give up.I glared at the back of her head.She still had no idea I was behind her.

"I'm waiting for an answer"she said.

"Look,what I meant to say was that I don't dance with girls I don't know".

"You don't know her".

"Yea I kinda do".

"How could you know someone like her.She isn't even pretty.Have you looked at her closely cause when you do, you'll see what I'm talking about".

What?Who did she think she was.Seriously I know I'm not pretty but at least I'm not as desperate as her.I opened my mouth to speak but before I could Brenden spoke.

"Who are you to talk about her like that?Do you even know her?Just so you know I have looked closely.She's way better than you.And in case you think I haven't noticed,I know you always walk by me on purpose to try to get my attention.And no,it doesn't work.So stop with that shit".

She turned around and bumped into me.When she saw who she had bumped into,she gasped.I gave her my fakest smile and waved.She turned and stomped away.
I couldn't help but laugh.After I finished laughing I turned in Brenden's direction.He was drinking his punch and looking at me at the same time.

"Wow,that was mean"I said pretending to be disappointed.

"You know what else was mean,what she said about you".

"Yea but you were more mean".

"I also defended you".

"Your right"I said with a smile.

"Thank you"I said.

He smiled back.

"So do you want some punch"?

"Yes please".

He handed me a cup.I drank it all in less than 5 seconds.He stared at me with wide eyes.

"I was thirsty".

"Well punch isn't the only thing that helps with thirst" he said.

"Wow, you are so dirty".

"I was talking about water.You're the dirty one here".

"Sure" I said while laughing.

"I didn't think you noticed what Bianca does to get your attention".

"I noticed it right away.She was always everywhere I went and I don't really see the same people at the same time everyday".

"Well except for you" he added.

"Shut up"I said while playfully punching his arm.

"You're different.You actually have classes near me" he said.

I didn't think he noticed where my classes were.But apparently he did.

"Well I gotta get back to my friends" I said.

"Ok,bye.But remember you owe me a favor now"he said with a smile.

"Anything you want"I said while walking away.

Maybe I shouldn't have used those words.He's a boy he might take the words literally.But he knew what I meant.
There were only a few minutes of the dance left.I spent them dancing with my friends.I guess you could say that the dance wasn't too bad,but to me it was great.

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