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Pretty soon I got over my crush on a
Andy.He wasnt worth it.He talked to Roger one day and told him that he knew I liked him because he could tell but that he didnt like me.I was so mad.How did he even know I liked him?How could he tell?I thought I could hide my feelings pretty well.But he clearly didnt like me.So I moved on.

Everyday I would notice the curly haired boy more and more.I don't know what it was about him, I just couldn't help but notice him.Actually I knew what it was.He was really good looking with his curly brown hair and grey eyes,but it wasn't just that, there was something else that I couldn't figure out.I didn't think he noticed me.Sometimes I could've sworn he looked at me but it was probably my imagination.

I grew impatient. I wanted to know his name so badly but I knew there was no way I could talk to him.So I asked Roger.Roger knew one of his friends and I knew it wouldn't be so hard for him to find out since he was so popular.

Finally one day in the beginning of November, Roger came up to me and told me his name.


I smiled.That was the perfect name for him.I spent the whole entire day thinking about him and drawing hearts with his name in them.I finally knew his name.

I told Diana and Kylie during lunch what his name was.

"Really"? Kylie asked

She has 6th period science with him and never found out his name.

"Yea I mean you have class with him you should know"I said.

She shrugged while Diana repeated his name over and over again.

"Shh"I said while trying not to laugh.

As soon as I got home I called Nina and told her everything.That night I dreamed about him finally noticing me.I never thought he would.I was so wrong.

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