The Party pt.3

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*Brenden's P.O.V.*

"Move Lily"I said.

She shook her head and stood there with her body pressed against the door and arms crossed.She didn't understand how angry I was.

"Damn it"I said while pacing back and forth.

"You have to calm down"she said firmly.

"No you don't understand"I said while running my hands through my  hair.

"He fucking called you his girl".


"No it's not ok your not his girl".

She looked at the floor.I couldn't help but move towards her, she just looked so damn adorable.I stopped when there was only an inch between us and stared into her wide green eyes.

Her breathing had increased and I could see the effect I had on her.She was looking at the floor again.I touched her face and  forced her to look at me.

"You don't understand.You don't understand how much that angered me.I see how many times you have to fake a smile when your with him.I see how he barely has any affect on you.You don't start breathing hard and your cheeks don't turn pink like they are now"I said softly while touching her face.

"No"she whispered.

I shook my head and put my arms on her waist.I knew that my touch drove her crazy and I couldn't help but take advantage of that.

"Don't run away from the truth Lily.You know your not his girl.Your mine"I said.

Then I did what I was dying to do these past few weeks.I closed the distance between us and kissed her.

She tried to resist in the beginning but it wasn't long until she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back.I knew she was still mine.I had missed her lips so much.I licked her bottom lip and asked for entrance.She opened her mouth and moved her hands to my hair.She tasted like Candy.

Eventually we had to stop for air.After a few seconds she spoke.

"Its not fair Brenden it really isn't".

"what isn't fair"?

"The fact that you still have this affect on me"she said.

"You still have the same affect on me too"I said.

"Yea but guess what,I have a boyfriend".

"You don't even like him Lily.You know you still like me".

"He makes me happy and it doesn't matter if I still like you".

"Yes it does.Those are your feelings.You can't just ignore them".

"Yea well I'm not like that I'm not gonna break up with somebody to go out with someone else".

I groaned and started to walk back and forth.I could see she wasn't going to change her mind.

*Lily's P.OV.*

I watched Brenden walk back and forth.He looked at me with so much hurt in his eyes.All of a sudden  he moved towards me and before I could process what was happening he had me pressed against the wall.

"You know you won't be able to stay away from me"he said.

"We'll see about that"I said.

I knew I was lying.Just having him this close was giving me mini heart attacks.

He laughed and leaned in.When his face was just inches from mine he stopped.I wanted him to kiss  me badly.So badly that I started leaning in.He leaned away from me and laughed.He knew he was torturing me and was clearly enjoying this.

I sucked my teeth and turned my face the other way.Every time he tried to kiss me I would turn my face the other way.

"Lily" he growled.

"It's not so funny now"I said.

He clenched his jaw and took the opportunity to turn my face towards him and started leaning in.He kissed me slowly.Even though I hated being kissed that way, Brenden could make me love anything that I hated.He bit my bottom lip and pulled away from me only seconds after starting to kiss me.

I sucked my teeth and looked up at him.He was looking at me with amusement in his eyes.I decided to take matters into my own hands and pulled him by his collar towards me.

"Stop fucking playing and actually kiss me this time" I said.

He nodded and crashed his lips against mine.I would never get tired of kissing him.He was such a good kisser.

After a few more kisses I finally remembered what I had said earlier and pushed him away.

"I can't Brenden I'm going out with Justin"I said.

He sighed and moved away from me.

"Look I know this is going to be hard for you but you have to apologize to Justin".

"Hell no" he said.

"This will probably turn into another fight and you guys will get suspended again.There is no way that Im not gonna try to stop it which will probably cause me to get suspended also.Is that what you want to happen"I asked him.

He sucked his teeth and shook his head.

"Fine I'll do it".

"Thank you"I said.

We walked out the room and I looked around .I immediately started feeling guilty.I had been so consumed in Brendens' kisses.I hadn't even realized what I was doing.Justin didn't deserve to be cheated on.I had to tell him.Hopefully he would forgive me.We kept walking and looking for him.Justin was nowhere to be found.I spotted Roger and immediately asked him where Justin was.

He pointed at the room that was next to where me and Brenden had been.I thanked him and we walked over to the room.My stomach lurched for some reason but I ignored the feeling and opened the door.

I should've knocked.

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