Stupid Idiot

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It was the last day of School and Brenden had decided to ignore me.Well technically he was already ignoring me but he woulrdnt even look at me.He avoided me and I didn't even think he was here,until I saw a flash of brown hair moving in the opposite direction.
I guess you could say it was my fault.Two days ago I had overheard a conversation between Brenden and his friends about me.When he was asked if he actually had feelings for me,he responded with the worst possible answer.

"Nah.You can have her".

He was laughing while he said this and it seemed like it was just a joke to him but I didn't want to stick around to find out.I must've made a noise or something cause he turned around at the exact moment I was trying to leave.He saw my expression and stared at me intensely.I walked away before anything else could happen.We were literally back to square one.Back to when he was taking everything relating to me as a joke.I never asked him why he laughed.I should've.
For the rest of the day he would just stare at me intensely.It almost seemed like he was trying to tell me something with his stare.He decided to show up for lunch and I walked out as soon as I saw him come inside.
I spent my lunch period walking around for a while until it was over.I eventually saw him again before eighth period and pretended I didn't notice him staring at me.I went home depressed and didn't get any sleep at all that night.
So since he said that,I decided to ignore him yesterday.I mean he basically said he didn't like me,so what was the point.He was still staring at me even though he said that,which I honestly didn't understand.At one point he actually waited for me outside his classroom when I was walking.His head was turned the other way but I have a feeling he saw me.I quickly walked in the opposite direction and went down a staircase just so I wouldn't have to see him.
I was too petty for my own good.
But nobody beats Brenden in pettiness.Despite it being the last day,he still ignored me because of what I had done yesterday.
That was not something I had expected from him.I spent all of today complaining about it to every single one of my friends.My emotions were all over the place.

Me in the morning:

"Who does this on the last day?This is probably the last time we'll see each other before summer.Why does he insist on hurting me.How could he be so cruel?Help me,I'm dying inside.Please just tell him to stop".

Me in the afternoon:

"He needs to stop fucking playing.Like, what the fuck is this?Why the fuck is he mad?He's such a stupid idiot".

I threw a tantrum in the bathroom just a few minutes ago.It was caught on camera by Jessie and was already up on her instagram.Luckily she only had a few people from our school on instagram.
I knew I was overreacting but I really wanted him to stare at me today.If we weren't even going to speak on the last day then I at least wanted him to look at me.Two months was a long time.
Finally the end of the school day came.Everyone was all over the place and I didn't even notice Brenden walk by.I was too busy complaining about him.Eventually I said goodbye to my friends and walked home.He was nowhere to be seen.I rolled my eyes.He was probably with one of his friends doing the stupid stuff boys did.Even though it technically was the last day of classes,we still had to come back to take our finals.The school day wasn't going to be as long and you only came in if you had a test that day so I didn't know if I was going to see Brenden or not.
As soon as I got home I threw myself on my bed and burried my face in my pillow.I was in the middle of trying to stop myself from crying,when I got a call.It was Sara.

"What do you want"?

"Well somebody's in a good mood"she said.

"Sara just tell me what you want".

"Ok,guess what"?

"You know very well that I'm not in the mood for games.So,no I will not guess what"I said.

"Ok so I went up to Brenden and told him that he should see you in the summer.And he turned red and smiled.I then told him about how you talk about him a lot.Way too much.And that you were driving me crazy".

She said this casually as if it were no big deal.

"Sara,why the fuck would you do that"?

"But wait after I said that.He actually smiled even wider".

What???I seriously didn't understand him.He literally just spent the day ignoring me.I quickly got off the phone and checked the schedule for the finals. Turns out I actaully would see him in two days.I sighed.He never stopped surprising me.

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