Science guy

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Everyday I couldn't help but notice the curly brown haired boy.But I didn't like him,I knew I basically had no chance. Besides I was falling for someone else.A guy in my science class.His name was Andy. He wasn't exactly good looking but I liked the way he dressed.He made an effort unlike the other boys.

He sat next to me in my science class and for the first few days I didn't talk to him.But,one day he talked to me and soon we became friends. He talked to me everyday.

Every time I saw Andy,my heart would speed up. He always wanted to be my partner in class.I would say no playing hard to get but eventually we became partners.He always hugged me and said I was pretty.I wasn't stupid I knew how boys were.I knew he was just trying to get me to like him.I also knew he didn't really mean it when, he said I was pretty but I still said thank you every time. One time he even said I was his girlfriend when we were with a group of people.I rolled my eyes and said sure but I'm pretty sure I was blushing.I know I especially turned red when one of the guys in the group said his "girlfriend"was really pretty.

Today when I sat down in science I noticed a new girl in our science class. Her name was Mary.She was really pretty.

"Hi are you new"? I asked her.

"Yea"she said.

Andy immediately started flirting with her.I couldn't help but feel a little jealous but that didn't stop me from wanting to be her friend.

"I like your shirt"I said.

"Thanks"she said and smiled.

She had a nice smile.
And that's how I met another one of my friends.We all got along just fine and I began to feel better about highschool but this wasn't how it would be.There was a certain curly haired boy that would change things.

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