When he found out

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Everyday I would talk to my friends about him and tell them about how he always stared at me. Their response was the same:talk to him.
But I refused to do that.A few days later I was sitting in my 1st period class when I found out that 2 girls told him that I liked him.I immediatly started gasping for air.Sara tried to calm me down but she wasn't helping cause she was the one who told those girls that I liked him.

It turns out that they only said that one of their friends liked him.When he asked who, they said my name but he didn't know who I was.

I began to breathe again.All I had to do was make sure he never heard my name and never walk anywhere near those 2 girls.

In 4th period Sara told Diana and Jane everything.They thought it was so funny.Out of nowhere Diana asked us if we wanted to take a picture for her story on snapchat.I was shocked she usually just took pictures of me when I wasn't paying attention and she always caught the bad ones.I couldn't help but make a pouty face when we took the picture. I saw her drawing an arrow pointing towards me.She wrote my name below the arrow and added it to her story.

"I'll send it to you"she said to Sara.

"Um,no what are you doing"?I said after realizing what they were planning.

They just smiled mischievously at each other.

"No,no,no!You are not showing him that picture."

"Fine I won't".Sara said.

All through lunch I had to run after Sara every time she tried to show him the picture.Finally the bell rung and I sighed.She didn't get the chance to show him the picture.

I headed to my sixth period class and tried to pay attention to what my teacher was saying.I hated math.Somehow I passed algebra early and now I was in geometry.

I practically ran out the class when the bell rung.I went to the usual spot where my friends and I talked after class.Sara and Diana were practically jumping up and down.

"I showed him the picture".Sara practically screamed.

I felt it become harder to breathe. My heart started beating a mile a minute.I almost fell.I grabbed the wall to steady myself.


"I showed him it and he turned really red and looked at the floor while smiling I think".

"Oh my god"I said.

"That's a good sign".Diana said

I couldn't think right now.It did not look like a good sign to me.This could not be happening again.This happened to me so many times before and I had gotten rejected. I didn't want to get rejected again.That was most likely what was gonna happen.He was just so perfect and I wasn't.

I know why my friends thought it was ok to show him,but I didn't know why they thought I stood a chance.

I started freaking out and they told me to calm down and that he had a good reaction but I knew how this went. He would probably reject me.

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