The dirtiest look

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I walked around the empty hallways.Well not exactly empty.Only a few people were missing,but those were important people to me so basically the hallway was empty.
Almost all of my friends were on a field trip and Jessie,Jane and I were the only ones in school.We decided to walk around the school instead of going to lunch 5th period.

Jane and I were on the third floor waiting for Jessie, when I saw him for the second time today.I tried to look any where but him but that didn't work.I ended up looking at him.He just kept walking,which isn't fair in my opinion. Whenever he looks at me I usually stop,trip,or bump into

I watched him walk away and wondered why he walked so slow.What if there was a fire would he still be walking like a turtle?
After a while Jessie joined us.We walked around and hid from the security guards for a couple of minutes.Eventually we got to the first floor.We were standing there joking around when Jane gasped.

"Lily" Jane whispered.


She turned and looked at someone.Once I saw who it was I regretted choosing to walk by the first floor.

Not again I thought.Crap he's walking in our direction.We were right in front of the cafeteria doors.

"I'm going inside" I said while walking towards the door.

"No you know who is in there and I don't want to see him" Jessie said.

Ugh her ex.I was about to respond but then Brenden started getting closer to us.He looked at me and I turned my face the other way.Jessie and Jane were still waiting for my response.

"How do you know he um"... I said as he passed right by me and went to the water fountain.


"Can we just go"? Jessie said.

"Fine" I said.

We started to walk through the hallways.

"He's following us" Jane said.

"No he's not,he's probably just going the same way as us" I said.

After almost getting caught twice by the security guards Jessie agreed to go to the cafeteria and we spent the rest of the period in there.

The next 2 periods went by fast.And pretty soon it was eigth period and Jane and I were walking through the 3rd floor.

Once again I saw him.Once again he looked at me but I was hiding behind Jane so he looked back to the person that was trying to hit him and when I realized what gender that person was I was instantly filled with jealousy.I turned and angrily walked away without looking back.Jane tried to follow me but I pointed to where her class was at and told her it was that way.

* Brenden's P.O.V *

"Your class is that way" I heard her say to her friend.

Her voice sounded angry and I turned away from the girl to look at her.
She was walking up the stairs and I couldn't tell anything from the way she was walking.

Her friend was still standing there and she saw me look at Lily.Her eyes were wide and she looked shocked.
What the fuck?Why was she looking at me like that?Did I do something? You know what,I don't give a fuck about what her friend thinks.I turned and watched Lily go up the last few steps.When she reached the last step she turned around and gave me the dirtiest look she had ever given me.

* Lily's P.O.V *
I turned around after reaching the top step.The wall was blocking my view of him.All I could see were his sneakers.I furried my eyebrows and gave the wall a dirty look.Stupid wall.
Stupid piece of crap boy.Why did he decide to go and flirt when I walked by?Like seriously, I didn't need to see that.I walked inside my eighth period class,put in my headphones,and waited for the period to be over.

Finally after 40 boring minutes the bell rang.I walked outside and saw Jane waiting for me.

"Did you see him with that girl"I said to her as we walked up to the buses.

"Oh!!You know when you told me to go to class,I turned around and I saw him and he was looking at you".

"So, he always does that".

"Yea but he was with a girl so I was suprised that-Oh he just looked at you".

What?I looked around and saw him standing with one of his friends facing the other way.Oh wow I hadn't even noticed he was standing there.

I said goodbye to Jane and walked to my mom's car angrily.Little did I know that he would ignore me for the next few days.

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