The dance

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I stared in awe at the flyer.The school was hosting a dance for the 9th and 10th graders.Apparently the older grades never showed up for any of the events and they were too old so they weren't invited.
All around me the girls started
Squealing and jumping up and down.I didn't get it.It was just a dance.I was just surprised that my school was actually having a dance.
For the next couple of weeks girls fought about who they were going to the dance with and teachers made the students who didn't want to come, come.
Finally the day of the dance came.I was with Sara,Jane,and Diana getting my eyebrows done.

"I don't see why I had to get up early to get ready for a dance that isn't even a big deal" I said.

"This is a big deal,its our first high school dance" Diana said.

"And there will be TENTH graders there".Sara added.

"So what".I said

"You know what".Jane said while wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I didn't really know how to feel about the fact that he was going to be there.Over the past few weeks the same thing as always happened.He just stared at me.I was beginning to think he was just a really bored person and that he just did that for fun.
I had stopped caring as much.I paid attention to another boy now.He was also a tenth grader.Every once in a while I would look at him.But not as much as I looked at Brenden.Every once in a while I would think about him but it wasn't long until my thoughts went to Brenden.I thought he was cute but that was it.I didn't feel the butterflies in my stomach I felt when I saw Brenden.I didn't rush out of class to purposely see him,like I do with Brenden.I didn't make eye contact with him like I do with Brenden.And my heart didn't beat anywhere near as fast as it did when I saw Brenden.

I sighed.

"Hey,don't worry about Brenden tonight ok,actually have fun and stop overthinking" Diana said.

How am I suppose to do that when he will be in there I thought.

We finished and started getting ready.
Diana curled my hair while Jane did my makeup.Pretty soon we were all in our dresses and shoes.I looked at my light pink dress once more in the mirror.I actually looked like a person.My hair was perfectly curled.My make up was really good too.Jane had put enough eyeliner on me to make my eyes pop out.

"Lily,we have to go.We are late"!Diana yelled

I sighed and walked out.We were all going in the same car.The whole entire way my friends talked about how excited they were while, I just sat there in silence trying to calm my nerves.

*Brendens P.O.V.*

I checked my watch for the hundreth time.I had only been here for 15 minutes and I was already losing my damn mind.
I watched a group of girls make their way towards my friends and I.

"Hi". a girl said.

She was wearing a simple black dress.Her hair was black and dyed purple at the bottom.I recognized her,she was always around me.We were right near the doors.I tried to make a run for it but my friend Wendell stopped me.He looked at me and pointed at that girl.

"She said hi to you and you didn't respond.I thought we agreed you were going to have fun and stop being so depressed and boring".

I sucked my teeth.Sure I had agreed to have fun but that didnt mean I wanted to talk to random girls.I glared at him and walked over to say hi back to her.

"So,do you wanna dance"? she asked.

I opened my mouth to respond but I was interupted by the doors opening.
Three girls walked in.I recognized them.They were Lily's friends.They were laughing about something.All of a sudden the doors opened again and a girl walked in.

It was her.

She was looking at her feet as she walked and tapping her fingers against her phone.I could instantly tell she was nervous.She was wearing a light pink dress that showed off her curves and stomach.I have to admit that she looked really pretty.l
All of a sudden she looked up and saw me staring .I couldnt stop staring at her.Her eyes moved from me to the girl next to me.She pressed her lips together and looked away.
Fuck I thought.How was she already mad at me?She walked up to her friends and started telling them something.They all looked at me and I finally turned away.
The girl next to me cleared her throat.

"So"? She said.

"Um sorry but I don't dance".I said.

I turned around to stare at Lily again.She was laughing about something but then stopped and looked at me.The girl next to me saw me staring and turned to see who I was looking at.When she saw that it was Lily she scowled.

"Really?Her"she said.

I didn't respond and kept looking at Lily.The girl glared at me and then at Lily.Finally the girl walked away.

"Damn Brenden that was cold".Wendell said.

I shook my head at him and watched Lily and her friends get up and dance.One of the most recent spanish songs was playing.
I watched Lily shake her hips and move to the beat of the song while singing.She could move pretty well.

*Lilys P.O.V.*

I watched Brenden look at me through the corner of my eyes.I kept on dancing like nobody was watching.I wasn't going to pay attention to him.Especially after I came in and saw him talking to that girl,Bianca.I didn't know if she knew I liked him too.But after that glare she gave me I didn't doubt that she did.
I smiled and kept on dancing.Finally after a few more minutes the song ended.
We sat down and as soon as we did a slow song started playing.All of my friends were asked to dance and pretty soon I was the only left.I grabbed my phone and started texting myself.
Out of nowhwhere somebody cleared their throat.I looked up and saw the tenth grader I thought was cute standing in front of me.

"Would you like to dance"? He said.

I smiled and nodded.He took my hand and we walked to the dance floor.His arms were on my waist and my arms were around his neck.We moved to the beat of the song.

"I know Roger told you". I said.

He was one of Rogers friends and the only person who knew that I thought he was cute was Roger. And obviously he knew or else he wouldn't have asked me to dance.

"Yea he did".he said while smiling.

I blushed and looked away.

"We should get to know eachother"He suggested.

"Um well my name is Lily"I said.

"My name is Justin".

Pretty soon I was laughing at Justin's jokes and the song was almost over.I smiled at Justin as he spinned me around.All of a sudden I got this weird feeling that someone was watching me.I looked up and saw Brenden looking at me.
His expression was emotionless.When he saw me looking, he turned and walked out.What is he doing? I thought .His friend Wendell looked at me,shook his head and then went after him.
This obviously had something to do with me.I had to wait until the song was over to go to him.Finally the song was done.
I made an excuse and left the dance.

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