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I looked in the mirror once more before going out of the bathroom.I stared at my reflection and fixed my hair.

I don't know why I did it, there was no one that actually looked at me anyways.

*Brenden's P.O.V.*

I walked in the shitty 6 hour prison that was called highschool.

The security guards up in the front gave me dirty looks for coming in so late.Its not my fault they decide to start the school so fucking early.At least,I made it to second period.

I walked in the direction of the bathroom and got on line.I stood there shivering from the cold.It was April,and it was not suppose to be THIS fucking cold.

All of a sudden the girls bathroom opened and someone walked out.


She looked up and saw me.She had no reaction at all.She kept looking at me for a couple of seconds and then got on the bathroom line.Our school likes to keep track of the amount of times we use the bathroom so,we have to sign in and out.

The guy in front of us finished writing his name and I decided to let her go first.She stood there for a couple of seconds and then started to sign out.

"Aren't you going to say thank you"?the teacher that stood there said to her.

A couple of seconds later Lily took her headphones out her ear and asked the teacher what she had said.

"He was being nice and let you go first" the teacher said.

She turned around to look at me and I raised my eyebrows at her.She continued to look at me with that blank look on her face.

She then turned back around and continued to write her name while talking.

"Oh,thank you".

"Sorry I didn't hear,I had my headphones in" she said.

"Its ok" the teacher said.

She finially finished and walked away.The teacher looked at me and shook her head.

*Lilys P.O.V*


Thats what this was I thought while walking away.Ok,so he let me go before him on a damn bathroom line. The teacher was acting as if he had just saved my life.She looked at me like I was the rudest person on earth.
She didnt know,that I was too scared to talk to him and too busy pretending not to care to say thank you to him.

And if she was so big on manners how come she didn't say anything about him not saying your welcome.
I was pissed off the whole entire morning after that.I didn't even care that I saw him twice after that.
Finally lunch came.I decided to walk around the school and listen to music the whole period.

After walking around for most of the period I started to wonder why I hadn't seen him.He always skips lunch and I should've seen him by now.

I took a seat on one of the stairs and sat there on my phone until the bell rung.I was walking through the second floor when Sara came up to me and started screaming at me.

"Why didnt you come to lunch Lily"!


"He was there you know".


"Yup"she said while nodding."He was there for the entire period".

I groaned in frustration.The one time I wasn't there he was.I had been waiting for the day when he came back to lunch and now because of my stupidness I missed it.He probably wasn't going to go back again any time soon.

"What did he do"? I asked her.

"He walked around and looked at where you sit, like a billion times".

How did he know where I sat?I had changed my seat in the middle of the year when he stopped coming.

"Whatever"I said.

I walked in to my 6th period class and sat down in my desk.I spent all period looking at the wall.After the longest 40 minutes of my life the bell rang.

I walked out my class and laughed when I saw him going in his class while everyone else was going out.
Ha that's what he gets for being out all period walking around.

I went in my 7th period class only to go back out a few minutes later,after asking to use the bathroom.

I walked around the school for almost the entire period.When I got back,only 5 minutes of class were left.I packed my stuff up and waited by the door.When the bell rung I was the first one out.I made my way down to the first floor.I was walking down the steps humming when all of a sudden a boy that came to my science class tapped me on the shoulder.I was too distracted to listen to what he said because behind him,was Brenden and like always he was looking at me.By the time I turned back to the boy he was already up the stairs.

Oh well I thought.Why does Brenden always look at me? I wondered for the millionth time.

*Brendens P.O.V.*

Finally the bell rung and the day was oficially over.

I got out of my class and waited for some of my friends to come.When they finally showed up,we began to make our way towards the main entrance of the school.

When we finally got out I saw a girl in a purple coat shivering.I knew instantly who it was.When she looked up and saw me,she looked the other way and stared in that direction pretending not to see me.I purposely walked right by her.Her friend elbowed her and she responded by suddenly turning her head around. Her hair moved around widly when she did that.

"What"I heard her say while I was walking by her.

I kept walking without turning around.There was no way in hell that I was gonna let my friends see me turn around to look at "the girl who liked me".Plus she was most likely looking at me,so she would see me turn around.

I walked to where the buses were at and waited for my other friends.After a couple of minutes I saw her walking while looking down at her phone.She looked up, saw me, and then looked back down at her phone.When she started getting closer,she put her phone in her pocket and looked every where but at me.She saw me looking and turned her face the other way.Eventually she turned back around and looked at me.As soon as we made eye contact she looked away and started rubbing her left eye.

I don't know why she tried so hard to not look at me.Sometimes she even tried to hide from me but that didn't stop me from looking at her.I could tell she got angry sometimes when I looked at her but that still didn't fucking stop me.Everytime she would press her lips together and look at the floor.

I barely saw her eyes on mine.Her eyes were light green.I don't know why but I always wanted them to look at me back.

But she barely did.

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