The Party pt.4

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If I had knocked then I wouldn't be seeing what I was seeing now.

Justin was on the  bed and sitting on his lap was Angelica.They had been kissing and when they noticed us they broke apart.I couldn't believe my eyes.Unsurprisingly I didn't feel hurt at all.I felt so shocked.I never thought Justin would cheat.It seemed like he really liked me.

"Lily its not what it looks like"he said.

I couldn't help but laugh.Thats what they all said.It was exactly what it looked like.

"Its fine Justin,you don't have to lie"I said while smiling.

"Im not lying Lily.Fine it is what it looks like but I was just angry that you went with Brenden and clearly I made a mistake".

The smile on my face disappeared.He still wanted to be with me.

"You didn't seem to be angry when you kissed me back"Angelica said.

So it was Angelica who had kissed him.

"I was angry.Look Lily I like you so much.I promise this won't happen again.I wasn't thinking.My anger took control but I wouldn't rather be with anyone else than you.Please forgive me"he said.

I bit my lip and looked around.Angelica was looking at the ground and trying not to cry.Brenden looked the same except he was also extremely pissed off and his hands were clenched.

"I can't be with you,Justin"I said.

" Lily I won't do it again"he said.

"No,Justin its not cause of that.I don't feel the same way you do."

Justin knit his eyebrows in confusion.

"I can't be with you when I like someone else"I said.

Justin looked at Brenden with jealously in his eyes.

"Lily let me prove to you that Iem better.I can make you forget him"he said.

I rolled my eyes.He was wrong.Nobody could ever make me forget Brenden.I felt Brenden stiffen beside me and I knew that he was doing his best to control his anger.

"No you can't ".

"yes I can".

I was getting pissed off.Who did he think he was?

"No you can't if you could then I wouldn't have just had a make out session with him a few minutes ago "I blurted out.

I covered my mouth when I realized what I had said. Justin's expression changed to anger and I heard Brenden stifle a laugh.Angelica was looking at me and I saw hope in her eyes.I turned towards Brenden to glare at him and saw the smirk on his face.When he saw me looking he immediately pretended to be sad and looked at the ground.

"Look I truly am sorry Justin but this relationship isn't ever going to work. It's best if we finish this once and for all"I said.

He nodded and I sighed in relief.I didn't want to be mean to him but he gave me no other option.

Brenden took the opportunity to say what he was suppose to say earlier and apologized to Justin.Surprisingly Justin apologized also.They shook hands and even started making jokes.

I left and went to go sit with my friends.They noticed my expression and asked me what was wrong.

"These boys get more complicated by the day"I said.

I then proceeded to tell them what happened.

"So yea, I think I should remain single for a while"I said after I finished talking.

"Yea you should"Jane agreed.

"You know what we should do,we should have a girls night out tomorrow to help you get over this"Sara said.

"I don't think she needs to get over anything.She clearly didn't even care about what Justin did"Diana said.

"I know but there is a fair in town tomorrow and I want to go"Sara said.

"No but that's a good idea we need a girls night out,after all this boy drama.And we don't have school Monday so we could have a sleepover at my house since my parents aren't here this weekend"Jane said.

Jane's parents went on a business trip and Jane and her sister had their house to themselves this weekend.

"Yea but won't your older sister be on our case"Diana asked.

"No she's pretty hype about the date she has tomorrow night"She said.

We all agreed to meet at Jane's house and then go to the fair together.She lived close by and we could walk to it.

After we finished talking I got up to use the bathroom.I bumped into Brenden and almost fell.He wrapped his arms around me to stop me from falling.If I wasn't so clumsy I wouldn't be stuck in a situation like this.

I looked up to find him looking at me and my heart rate sped up.Why did he always look at me that way?HE killed me every time he did it and I was starting to think he knew that.

"Look,Lily Im not stupid I know you need some time alone now because of what happened in your last relationship,but I don't want you to shut me out"he said.

"You don't have to worry about that I don't think staying away from you is possible"I said.

"I think Im the one that can't seem to stay away from you" he said.

HE always did that.He always had my heart melting with just a few words or a stare.

"Yea ok"I said.

"Really Lily I mean that".

"Ok well bye Im about to start living that single life" I said while winking at him.

He shook his head and smiled at me.

I turned and started walking away.I needed to get away from him.I knew that if I stayed near him I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing him again.He just was so freaking perfect.

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