The fair pt.3

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While we waited on line Jane and Zach started flirting.Sara and Luke were doing the same.Brenden and I were just watching them.

Jake was staring intensely at Diana and she squirmed under his stare.It reminded me of Brenden and I.We would stare at each other everyday.I started remembering the way I got so scared whenever he was near me and how my heart pounded when I had to walk by.I always wondered if he felt the same way whenever we were really close.Whenever we were close,after I passed him I would always turn around to look at him and I was surprised to see he was also looking back.At least the staring had only lasted 4 months.If it had lasted 6 months or more I would've been pulling my hair out.

Just like Brenden Jake was too shy to talk to Diana and would only stare at her.Every now and then their eyes would meet.

Finally after getting tired of watching them stare at each other,Brenden told Jake to say hi to her.
He waved at her and smiled.Her cheeks turned a deep shade of red and she waved back.The others were hitting it off but I knew that Diana and Jake would take longer to talk to each other.We decided to go on a different ride. After we saw that most of the people getting off the ride were throwing up.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel"!sara said.

I was about to protest when they all agreed to go on it.I hated the Ferris wheel.That was the only ride that scared me.Even though the other rides looked scary this one specifically dealt with being high up and that scared me.

The line was short and pretty soon we were getting on the ride. Jake and Diana got on and then the ticket guy cranked the handle and moved the Ferris wheel up a little.Finally it was our turn.When Brenden saw the look on my face he laughed.

"It's not funny"I said.

The ride started and I started screaming.Everyone else was enjoying the ride while I was close to crying.

"Oh myyyy godddd"I screamed when we reached the top.

"Lily calm down"Brenden said.

"I can't I'm scared of heights"I said.

"Take deep breaths".

I squeezed my eyes shut. Then I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth.
When I opened my eyes we were high up and I started screaming again.

"It's not working"!

He placed his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.That helped me calm down a little.

"Look it's not that scary"he said while holding me.

I calmed down and finally stopped screaming.

"Yea it's not that scary"I said.

"Look at the view"he said.

I looked at all the lights that seemed to expand for miles.For the rest of the ride I laughed and didn't scream once.All of a sudden the wheel began to slow down.When it stopped Brenden and I were at the top.My heart immediately started pounding.I could handle being high up for a few seconds but not for any longer than that.Brenden started rocking back and forth and our seats moved back and forth.

"Stop it Brenden"I screamed.

He laughed and kept moving.I went over to pull his hair but he grabbed my hand before I could.He wrapped his hand around mine and smiled at me.We sat like that until we got off.
When we got off I let go of his hand and moved away from him.I was still mad about him moving.He knew how scared I was yet he still did it.He looked at me with amusement in his eyes and tried to get closer to me but I moved further away each time.

"Wow,how scary was this ride Lily?Because judging by your screams it was pretty scary"Sara said.

They all laughed and looked at me.

"Ha ha ha real funny"I said sarcastically.

"What do you guys want to do next"Brenden asked.

We decided to go on a few more rides.I ignored Brenden the whole time and didn't sit next to him.Finally after some time we looked for something to eat.We were passing by a stand that sold candy apples.The line was pretty long and Jane and Diana decided that we should get candy apples.I stood next to Jake and Diana who finally started talking to each other.

When we got on line I noticed that there was a girl staring at Brenden.She looked familiar and I finally recognized her.She was from our school.When Brenden saw her she smiled at him.He smiled at her and she started walking towards him.I forced myself to not jump to conclusions.

"Hi"she said.

"Hi"he said while putting an arm around her waist and pulling her close.

My jaw dropped.They kept talking and he kept his arm around her waist the whole time.I forced myself to look away and looked at Diana instead.Her eyes widened when she saw me.She looked at at me and then went on her phone.A few seconds later I received a text message.

Diana:Who is that?

Me:Idk but they seem pretty close.He even has his arm around her waist and everything :(

Diana:Im sure its nothing 

All of a sudden I heard a laugh.

"I hate you Brenden"the girl said while giggling.

I had heard that phrase before.All of the girls he flirted with said that.

Diana:Ok never mind it's definitely not nothing.

Me:Its fine I don't care 

Finally after some time she left but not before giving Brenden a hug.He looked at me innocently and I rolled my eyes at him.

I don't know why I ever  fell for his bullshit excuses.I was stupid.He was never going to stop hurting me.

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