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I skipped out of class to meet Justin.It had been a week since he told me how he felt and I told him I was thinking about it.
I knew that I had just "broken up" with Brenden but we weren't really going out and I had move on.I wasn't going to keep spending time moping around.

"Hi"I said.

He smiled and held out his arms.I ran to them and wrapped my arms around him.This was how we usually greeted each other.People said we acted like a couple which was true.We usually held hands and were always together.But I told him I wasn't ready for a relationship.Even though I Knew Justin would make the perfect boyfriend I still hadn't gotten over Brenden.Brenden on the other hand was constantly surrounded by girls.He didn't look too happy about it.He walked around with a hoodie on and a girl by his side.He had seen me with Justin a couple of times and I could've sworn I saw him clench his jaw and roll his eyes but it was probably my imagination.

I was ready to move on.

I walked around with Justin and we bumped into none other than Brenden and the girl that he had next to him today.Our eyes met and I could've sworn I saw pain in his eyes.The girl next to him noticed he was looking at me.And since she was an attention whore she immediately did something to get his attention.She grabbed his hand and held it.He turned towards her and looked at her like she was crazy.Then he pulled his hand away.When he saw the look on my face he smirked and wrapped his arm around her waist.Then they walked away.I couldn't help but turn around and watch them walk away.

*Brenden's P.O.V.*

It took everything in me not to turn around.I knew that she was most likely looking back and I couldn't let her know that I still cared.That would stop her from moving on.I had to make her believe that I had moved on.The girls that constantly followed me helped me pretend that I didn't care that she walked around with that fucking shit.I didn't know where all these girls came from.They had heard that I wasn't with Lily anymore and they constantly threw themselves at me.I had repeated the phrase I'm not interested the past weeks more than I had ever before.

When I was sure we were out of Lilys
sight I let go of Natasha's waist.She was one of the girls that were constantly following me.

"why'd you let go" she asked.

"Because I wanted to".

I wasn't that heartless.I wasn't going to let her know that I had used her to make Lily jealous.

"Ok"she said while moving closer to me.

She didn't stop until there was only like 3 inches between us.Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine.

"I know you only did that to make her jealous.I know you still care but don't worry I can make you forget she even existed" she whispered in my ear.

I pushed her away from me.

"Nothing can ever make me forget her"I said angrily.

I left her standing there and walked away.

*Lilys P.O.V.*

Why?Why?Why?Why did he have to do things like that to me?He knew I still cared yet he then went and put his arm around her waist.He smirked at me too.Why did I still care?I needed to forget about it.Justin was looking at me and I couldn't stop myself from doing the following actions.I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him towards me.Then I kissed him.He immediately responded and kissed me back.His hands were on my face .His lips were soft.And he kissed me slowly.I couldn't help but compare the kiss to the ones I had gotten from Brenden.They were way better than this.Why was I thinking of him now?I kissed Justin harder to see if he sped up and he did.I preferred being kissed hard than gently and softly.

After a while we pulled away.Justin looked at me and took my hand in his.

"So,does this mean you finally want to be my girlfriend"he asked.


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