He noticed me

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The next day after school at around 4, I was with Nina walking down the hill to my house.We were coming back from visiting our old school and I was in the middle of laughing when,I saw a group of boys standing at the end of the hill.They were his friends.

My face paled and Nina immediately noticed.

"What's wrong"?she asked.

She looked in the direction I was looking at and told me to calm down. Just because his friends were there didn't mean that he was there she told me.

As soon as the words left her mouth,I saw a figure that I hadn't seen before.He wasn't in the group of boys,but he was walking towards them.I recognized his light brown hair and that black sweater he always wore.

It immediately became harder for me to breathe and I gasped.

"That's him"I said.

Her eyes widened and we kept walking like nothing was happening.He kept looking back and I couldn't even walk.I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding when we made it to the end of the hill.I made a right and was walking towards my house when I noticed that Nina was still at the corner of the street. She gave me a look and smiled.I immediatly knew, what she was gonna do.

"Nooo"I screamed while running towards her.

But it was too late she had already screamed out his name.

I stopped running towards her and turned the other way.I ran to my house while screaming:oh my god.
I knew I was done for.Nina doesn't go to the same school as him. There's no possible way she could know his name unless, someone from his school told her.That someone was me. I am pretty sure he would think it was weird that I knew his name when we never said a word to each other before.

Nina skipped towards me while laughing.

"How could you do that"?I said while pacing back and forth my front porch.

I saw a couple of his friends walking past my house towards where he was but I didn't care if they heard me.

"Relax,he doesn't even know who called his name"she said.

"He saw me!Even if he doesn't think it was me,it doesnt matter cause I'm the girl from his school.Your not.I obviously told you!!"

"He didn't see you."

"Yes he did."

We waited for a taxi to come get her while,arguing whether or not he saw me.I wished she was right but she wasn't.The next day when I walked by him in the hall, he looked at me like I was a stalker or something.He's not exactly a nobody.Everyone knows him.He shouldn't have been so surprised. He stared at me the whole time.I felt like going up to him and asking him why he was staring but I just took deep breaths.

Little did I know, that was the start of everything.

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