Waking up

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I opened my eyes and looked around.This wasn't my room.I looked down and saw a hospital gown on me.What was I doing at the hospital?
A nurse came in and her eyes widned when she saw that I was awake.She rushed out the room and called my parents.

"Lily your awake".

"What am I doing here"? I said

"You don't remember"?

I shook my head.Their eyes widned and my parents looked at each other.

"What's the last thing you remember"?

"Um well I remember being at school".

"Be more specific Lily.What's the date"?

"Well you see I don't really remember cause I don't pay attention to the date but it's like the middle of September almost October right".

My mother gasped and covered her mouth.

"The doctor said this could happen.At least she only forgot a few months" my dad said while rubbing her back.

The doctor came in and explained how it was actually the middle of April and that I had forgotten a few months.He said I would eventually remember.I had gotten hit by a car and the result was selective amnesia.My injuries had healed in the 2 weeks I was in a coma.
I remembered my friends but I had just met them and I didn't really know much about them.I also remembered how I had a crush on a guy in my science class.For some reason I didn't really see why I had a crush on him.I remebered everything that had happened in September perfectly even seeing some random guys knock down a table.There was one that stood out to me.The one with the curly brown hair.After that I couldn't remember anything else.


I walked in to the school.As soon as I walked in I remembered the way to my classes.Wow I was gonna remember everything pretty soon if it was this easy.
I walked in to first period and smiled at Sara.She looked at me with sadness in her eyes.Before I came back to School everyone that I knew was told about how I only remembered the first month of school.
Eventually fifth period came and I met up with my friends.I told them everything I remembered.When I told them the last thing I remembered was seeing the kid with the brown curly hair knock down the table they gasped and choked on their food.

"That's all you remember about him"? Diana said.

"Yea.Is there more that I should remember"?

"Yea he's"-Sara said before being cut off.

"No that's it"Diana said.

The bell rang and we walked to sixth period.I saw the brown curly haired kid.He was looking at me.I hadn't noticed before but he had the prettiest eyes. We made eye contact and he kept looking at me.

"Why is he looking at me"? I asked Diana.

"Look it's complicated.I will tell you later when you don't have as much things in your mind".

I nodded and kept walking.

"Wait what's his name"?


I smiled.His name just made me feel happy for some reason.

*Brenden's P.O.V.*

It was really true.Lily had forgotten everything.I could tell when I saw the confusion in her eyes,when she saw me staring.I couldn't believe it.I felt something.Something I thought I'd never feel again.


I was almost inside my sixth period class when her friend came up to me.It was the same friend had come up to me before.

"Lily does remember you kinda.Apparently she has had interest in you since the beginning.She remembers you standing out to her.But that was before she started liking you.That was like the spark that caused her to realize she felt something whenever she saw you".

Did she really like me since the beginning?

"She doesn't remember anything after that.So you have a chance to start all over again" she said.

Then she walked away.It took Lily a long time to say hi to me.How long would it take her now?

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