Being Justin's girlfriend

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Word spreads around fast in this school and pretty soon all the girls that were after Justin made it their personal goal to harass me.It's funny because this was one of the reasons why Brenden decided we shouldn't be together anymore.He thought I couldn't handle these little hoes and that they would go away if we weren't together but he was wrong.He's not the only boy they chase after.I have to admit there is a big difference in the number of girls that chase Brenden.There are way more girls that chase Brenden. 

The one that bothered me the most was a girl named Angelica.She was also a tenth grader.Apparently it wasn't fair that I was able to get the attention of  basically the 2 cutest guys in the school.I told her a million times that I only got the attention of Justin but she always kept saying the same thing.Apparently because Brenden rejected all of them it meant that I still got his attention.There were rumors that Brenden still had feelings for me but I knew they weren't true.They didn't even know why we weren't together anymore and he didn't even talk to me.Sure maybe he still looked at me every time I walked by but that was always how it was .

Since I was dating Justin I was introduced to his friends.I already knew most of them so I got along with them just fine.We had already been dating for a week and I was bored.We did the same thing everyday and it was like a routine.I never ran out of things to talk about with Justin but it felt like nothing exciting ever happened.

*Brenden's P.O.V.* 

There were rumors that Lily was dating him.I refused to even think about it.I couldn't imagine them together.It just wouldn't look right.It wouldn't be right.

 I was leaning against the wall in the hallway when one of his friends came up to me.

"Look I don't want to start any trouble.Its just that there are rumors you still like Lily and Justin just wanted me to let you know that she's his girl now"he said.

It was true.Lily wasn't mine anymore.I struggled to hide the pain I was feeling.Finally after being sure I wasn't going to say something I was going to regret I spoke.


He nodded and then left.

It all made sense now.The way Lily had been avoiding making eye contact with me and didn't even walk near me after school.The pain was unbearable.I couldn't handle being in a classroom after finding out they were going out.I walked to an empty staircase and sat down.I knew this would happen and I wanted her to move on but it still hurt like hell.


After the bell rang eighth period I got up made my way up to the front of the school.I was lucky I hadn't been caught. I had basically skipped half of my classes.When I got outside I saw them.Lily and Justin.He was giving her a hug and saying goodbye to her.Then he kissed her.

I wanted to look away but I couldn't.The anger and pain I felt was too much.It felt like I had forgotten how to breathe and move.

Finally they stopped.She smiled at him and then he walked away.As soon as he walked away the smile on her face disappeared.She looked down at the ground and sighed.Then she started walking.I followed her and walked behind her.

Why did she look so sad?Why did she stop smiling?I remembered how fake her smile was when they finished kissing.That was her best fake smile.Nobody else noticed it wasn't real but me.She was surprised when I told her that.To me it was so obvious yet nobody else saw it.

Was it possible that she was still mine?

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