I is for I Love You!

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Percy paced back and forth in the apartment building's apartment, waiting for Annabeth. They were supposed to go see Catching Fire for her birthday, and she was supposed to be here a little bit ago. If she wasn't here in five minutes, they'd miss the beginning of the movie. Not to sound like Percy was excited or anything, but he didn't want to miss the beginning. The beginning would be the best part. Hehehe....

The revolving doors turned and Annabeth stepped in, making the room suddenly brighter. She wore skillfully faded skinny jeans and a gray sweater. Her hair fell past her shoulders, and a gray beret made sure there was no hair in her face.

"Hi!" she said, pecking Percy on the cheek.

"Hey! So, are you ready to go?" Percy asked, and Annabeth nodded. She took his hand as they walked out to Percy's car. He opened her door then ran around to his side and got in. He started the car and pulled out into the- believe it or not- light New York traffic. It was around mid-day, so he was surprised that the streets weren't very crowded.

Percy reached forward and popped a CD into his radio. Annabeth wasn't very surprised that he had put in his Meteora CD (This is Linkin Park<3 I know every song by heart on this CD) She rolled her eyes as Percy started to sing along.

Finally, they arrived at the theater and got their tickets. After ordering popcorn, they walked through the theater until they found where their movie was. They went inside, getting a seat in about the middle. The place was packed, seeing as the movie had only been out for like two days. All around them were teenage couples, the guys looking very unhappy. Like they had been dragged there by there girlfriends.

Previews came on, and Percy waited patiently, waiting for something to happen. Finally, after the thing they show, announcing there's still time to visit the snack bar, it popped up.

A grey screen came up, with the words 'Happy Birthday, Wise Girl!' in neon green letters. Annabeth's mouth dropped open, and she turned to Percy. He was smiling at her, and he was enjoying the fact that she was speechless.

Well, not for long. "I love you!" she said, throwing her arms around Percy and kissing him. All the woman in the theater went "AW!" then asked their boyfriend why they never did something like that for them.

After the movie, Annabeth couldn't stop repeating the words "I love you" in Percy's ear.

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