Flowers (ParkerGames)

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You were running late once again, pacing quickly down the street. How you managed to always be late was lost to you. You always tried to be ready early, but then you'd get distracted by cleaning up your apartment or watching YouTube videos or another random activity that you'd be late. You popped into the flower shop, heading directly over to the bright tulips in the corner. You were so focused on where you were going that you tripped over someone who had been standing back looking at some daisies. His arms reached out and caught you, but your dignity kept falling to the floor.

"Woah are you ok?" he asked. You blinked a couple of times, taking in his beanie and red diamond hoodie.

"Yeah, sorry. Thanks for catching me. I'll just take my embarrassment over here in the corner by these tulips," you said, popping the P.

"Do you fall like that for every guy you meet or just ones with large foreheads?" he asked with a laugh.

"I don't always fall, but when I do there's normally not anyone to catch me," you countered.

"I'm Parker," Beanie guy said, picking up a bouquet of daisies.

"(y/n)," you said, turning your attention back to the flowers in front of you.

"Buying those for anyone special?" Parker asked, moving behind you towards the roses next to the counter. As he passed he brushed his hand along your back so that you wouldn't step back into him, but as you felt the warmth of his hands through the thin fabric of your shirt your breath caught in your chest.

"They're for my mom's great aunt," you practically choked out.

"I was supposed to meet my mom fifteen minutes ago, but sometimes plans fall through," you recovered quickly, throwing in a pun and praying that Parker didn't notice. Parker barked a laugh.

"It's alright, I'm meeting my sister for her birthday and I didn't get her a present. So these are for her," he said, paying at the register. You found the flowers you wanted and got behind him in line.

"And this," he added as he accepted his change and turned around, "is for you," he held a single red rose for you.

"Thanks," you said, accepting it as you set down your flowers on the counter.

"See you around (y/n). Say hi to your mom's great aunt for me," Parker said as he walked out the door. You gazed after him with a small smile, still holding the rose. That's when you noticed a small card embedded in the petals. You pulled it out, realizing that it was a business card for the shop you were in that had been ripped in half. On the back, a phone number was scribbled in pen with '-Parker :)' signed at the bottom. You always knew that being late wasn't always a bad thing.

A/N: So this book is almost at 500 reads and that's pretty surreal for me. You guys are amazing :D Like I said last time, let me know if you'd be interested in my social media accounts. I'd really like for you to get to know me better so feel free to ask me any questions as well! Love always <3

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