32. Sweet Blasphemy

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Hey sorry! I had a lot going on so I gave up on the story but I've been reading it and I miss it I'm gonna try and start writing it again but it won't be fast but anyway what the hell.

Scarlett's POV:

"Ahh let me see, let me see!" Sammi screeched as soon as I cracked the bus door open. I normally am allergic to overly excited people but in this circumstance I grinned equally as giddy and whipped out my little picture, watching Sammi's eyes widen and swoon.

"Hey where are the guys...?" I asked noticing the lack of noise in here.

"Oh they got caught up with someone from Lava Records after the interview they should be back soon."

"Wow Andy promised-" I began.

"This?" Sammi smirked and brought me to go box of a turkey sandwich from the counter. "Yeah he had it delivered."

"Wow." Hes really the cutest out there. "Is his phone off I've been trying to reach him for like 20 minutes?"

I waited while Sammi gaped at the ultrasound picture in a trance. Totally blocking me out. "Sammi?"

"What uh yeah!" She snapped out.

"What's up? Why do you look all sentimental?" I questioned.

"Honestly, I don't know what to do. Jinxx has been begging me to have a baby since the day we got married..." She looked down to play with her thumbs. "But I have so much going on, my music and modeling, traveling, I'm young and I kind of want to enjoy my life for me right now, is that selfish?"

"Definitely not Sammi you can always have a baby you're only young for so long. Believe me this wasn't my idea of where my life would be right now. Jinxx loves you he will give you time. If only guys were the ones that had babies & had their bodies wrecked then they might feel differently!" I giggled; and earned a small grin from the distressed girl in front of me.

"But Jinxx is everything to me and I want to make him happy, and that's what would make him happy..." She contrasted.

"As much as I would love to see a little mini Jinxx or Sammi running around with my baby, don't have a baby out of pity. Just really think about it and who knows maybe you will decide you want it?" I knew it would be super awesome if we could be pregnant together, support eachother, but I had to put her best interest first before mine. Sammi nodded and stared into the distance thoughtfully when the door slammed open and a bunch of smelly guys came rustling in.

"Boo! Look look!" I jumped into Andy's arms and shoved the picture in his face.

"Wow its a... Its a dot.." He replied confused.

"That's the baby you idiot!"

"Oh wow its um, adorable!" He joked and I smacked his shoulder. I mean I guess it isn't that "cute" its just a dot. My dot. "Dot aside, I have an awesome day planned for us!"

Kellin's POV:

"Killer show man!" Mike the guitar tech yelled as I walked offstage. I smiled and nodded at him. I was in the best mood of my life. Immediately after the show we had a meet and greet which was extremely terrible timing and usually I would be way to exhausted to function but today i was excited.

The guys and I rushed to the Trojan tent and sat down before the long line of girls with posters and gifts.

"Oh my god! You're real!" The first girl screamed and started crying dramatically. I tried to smile and calm her down but I signed her poster and moved her along when nothing worked. I love all my fans but I much prefer the ones I meet that tell me something meaningful of ask me a question than just fangirl.

What seemed like a million signings down, I quickly wrote Kellin Quinn like usual and then looked up in awe. This girl looked older than most and she was simply beautiful. She was wearing old beat up black converse, high waisted blue denim shorts, and a tye dye t-shirt. She had deep blue eyes and long dirty blonde hair cascading down to her hips. She wore no makeup, not that I have anything against it but she was truly a natural beauty; and I, Kellin Quinn, was at a loss for words.

"Hi nice to meet you!" I grinned trying to keep it cool.

"You too man. You're a huge inspiration to me Kellin, I respect you so much," the goddess spoke. So calm and carefree, it was refreshing after all these crazy girls.

"That's the best compliment I've gotten all day! So what's your name?"

"Lennon." She replied. Even her name was different.

"Nice. How old are you Lennon?" She looked a little confused. I knew I was being forward but she captivated me and I didn't want to let her get away.

"21" thank god. I always see such beautiful girls all of my fans are beautiful but so many of them are too young for me. I sat there and stared at her for a little while longer not realizing the line of 34 trillion people behind her.

"Well I guess I better move on. I love you. rock on," she said as she slid down to the next band member which happened to be Gabe. I cringed at the thought of her leaving.

"Hey wait!" I called and she turned her head.

"Can I see you again?" I asked.

"If you know where to look," she winked. I looked down to read her shirt of course it was a BVB shirt. Guess I'm going to see Andy play tonight.

Andy's POV:

Scarlett and I cruised down the coast in a rental car I got to take her to the beach. We never get to relax and chill together anymore so i figured: the beach.

"Here we are!" I gestured as I opened the car door for my lady.

"Ahh the California Coast. How I've missed you." She closed her eyes and soaked up the sun. "I have to say the Jersey Shore gave it a run for its money, it's a fucking dream out there. If only it wasn't infested with trashy guidos and guidettes!" She laughed.

"... Did you just say guidettes.."

"Yes. I'm not ashamed." She folded her arms.

"Don't ever say that again." I smirked.


"That's it!" She knows I hate Jersey Shore terminology. I scooped her up so she was hanging over my shoulder and dashed out onto the beach.

"Andy! I'm pregnant remember?!" She yelled, hitting my back to put her down.

"Right sorry." I gently lowered her and felt really nervous and guilty. The whole situation is uncomfortable for me and I feel left out. I wish I just had my carefree Scarlett again.

"It's cool! I forget sometimes too. Soon I'll be showing a lot, then we definitely won't forget. Not looking forward to being fat.." She made a sad face.

"You could never 'be fat'. Fat is a tissue in your body, are you saying you are going to become bodily tissue? No. You will always be a a person. No such thing as being fat." I replied. It's true. Everyone is the same on the inside for the most part, so what if some people have more fat tissue than others.

"Wow that was really good..."

"Well I am a writer!" I pointed out.

"You should write a song about self confidence for people with body image issues and put that in there its a really great concept!" Her eyes lit up just like they always do when she has an idea.

"Maybe some day babe," I smiled at her cuteness and twisted her into me. And as I stood there against the open ocean, with Scarlett squished between my arms and my chest, I felt confident again.

A Devil For Me (Andy Biersack and Kellin Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now