6. Do It Now Remember It Later

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I woke up the next morning with a killer headache, and I was slightly naucious. As I layed down I realized the bus was moving, we were on our way to the next gig. Which means I had no chance of seeing Andy until then. I wondered what he was doing at the moment, probably sleeping. I sat up and pulled out my phone, no new messages. I mean I know I never gave Andy my number, but every girl has that fantasy that the guy will find a way to contact them, and you'll get that text from an unknown number saying "Hey, Its me(:" Then I remembered Andy was a player. He could probably get with any girl in the world, and maybe that was his plan. I looked down at my faithful boyfriend, so perfect.. why wasn't this enough for me? I scrolled through my mentions on twitter, seeing tweets from a bunch of SWS obsessed girls, like usual. I know millions of fans would love to be in my place right now, and I don't deserve Kellin.

He started to stir and eventually woke up. I felt like he could read my thoughts, so I threw my phone down and started to play with my fingers, play cool Scarlett. He was half asleep, eyes barely open, didn't notice anything. He said good morning and got up to get us both some aspirin for the hangover.

"Thanks," I said as he handed me a water and a pill. "Hey, what time are we getting to the next stop?"

"About 2 hours," he replied. I was secretly happy I was going to see Andy in such a short time. Even though I probably won't talk to that douche. I'm going to look extremely hot, and ignore the fuck out of him. He really messed with my head, idk how you can just do that to someone. Kellin was telling me something cool about today's venue but I really didn't care. I just smiled and nodded, it's kind of my signature move. I spent the next 2 hours eating breakfast, picking out a hot outfit, and getting ready. The boys were getting frusterated about my bathroom time, but I just stuck my tongue out at them and we all laughed. I was really happy the guys liked me, I never wanted to be one of those girlfriends that the whole band secretly hates. Then again, they should hate me.

"Here!" yelled the driver. All the boys screamed of joy and ran out of the bus. Kellin grabbed my hand and pulled me somewhere to show me something. Probably what he was telling me about before.

"Kellin why are we running?" I giggled, he was so excited about wherever we were going. He didn't answer he just kept pulling me. When we finally stopped running, I saw that we were by a small stage, very secluded. I instantly recognized it from his description of where he played his first concert. "Oh my god! I never thought I'd see it for myself!" I exclaimed. Kellin loved his first concert, it was a total fail, and super embarrassing, but it was his favorite band memory.

"This is where I experienced the worst pain of my life, and it changed me. Now I have the one thing that brings me the most joy, here. To make new memories of this place." He said, keeping eye contact the whole time. He brought me on stage and kissed me. I smiled sheepishly, I was a terrible person, but all I really wanted to do was go see if Black Veil Brides had arrived yet.

"Wow this was really cool to see babe, but your gonna be playing at a real stage this time around! Because your a success in yourself! We should get back and see the show times!" I said trying to sound sincere, and I started to walk back to the buses. Kellin caught up, grabbed my hand and walked along with me. When we walked by where people were starting to set up tents, I saw him. Andy. I felt like I had seen a ghost. Looking down at my hand, firmly held in the hand of Kellin Quinn, I prayed Andy wouldn't turn around. But of course I never get what I want.

Andy turned, looked me up and down plainly, and just turned back the other way. How cold is he.

Andy's POV:

Last night was all a blur to me. I remember some girl came up to me and started flirting with me, which I took advantage of considering I was depressed about Scarlett. After that I didn't remember anything. I was talking to Jesse from SWS and I found out they all saw me with this girl.. even Scarlett. And then she ran away crying "for no reason." I knew the reason. She really did care for me. I felt like such a dick, and I had to talk to her before she forgot about me for good. When we arrived at the new venue, I got up to go get some breakfast from a food tent. Of course Scarlett was there holding hands with Kellin. I couldn't bare to look, she's not happy with him, she should be with me. I just don't know how to go about it.

I was setting up and minutes before my band's show started, I saw Scarlett wandering by. This was my chance. "Hey Scarlett, do you want to come watch our show? It would make me really happy!" I said smiling. Please say yes, please say yes.

She looked confused, "Um, sure I'll stay for a little bit." Yes!

Scarlett's POV:

I don't know how I ended up sitting here backstage at a BVB show. As Andy passed by me to get on stage he slapped my ass and said something cheeky to me I didn't quite hear. Stupid boys. But his flirtiness was so endearing. And then when he got up to the mic he greeted everyone. "How is everybody doing today?" He asked, the crowd screamed various answers. "I see we've got some sexy fuckers here in the crowd today," he said, and he turned to his side and winked at me. My heart literally melted. How could I resist this guy? They played an amazing set, I stayed the whole entire show, losing track of time. I danced internally to every lyric, they were so deep.

When the show ended Andy grabbed me and brought me behind the stage. Right when we stopped walking he pulled me close and kissed me. I kissed back even harder, no one can understand how attracted I was to this man. After our makeout session, he told me everything he remembered about yesterday after I ran from him. I quickly forgave him, shushed him, and went right back to kissing. He was perfectly imperfect. Even with all of our bad timing, I knew he was the one for me. My phone started to ring. "UGH!" I grunted. Which made Andy die of laughter. I looked at the time and- Oh FUCK! I turned to run, but before I went, I gave Andy one last kiss, and told him I really had to go this time.

"See ya later beautiful," I heard him say as i jogged away. As I ran to another stage, I tried to come up with an excuse for why I had missed my boyfriend's entire show. They were just exiting out the back of the stage when Kellin spotted me, he looked upset.

"Where were you..? I brought you on tour with me so we could experience this all together, and you didn't even come support me at my show?" He said pained. I was quick to think, and I have to say I'm rather proud of myself for this one.

"Babe! What are you saying! I'd never miss a show. I just wanted to see the whole stage, and watch you from a fan's view for once. I was right over there!" I pointed randomly and pulled my hand back before he could follow my direction.

"Wow I can't even spot my own girlfriend in a crowd.. That's embarrassing. Sorry babe, I don't know why I would jump to conclusions like that.." He replied, confused at himself.

"It's fine sweetheart!" I said cheerfully and pecked him on the lips. That could have been bad..

We walked back to the tour bus and I looked in my suitcase for a change of clothes, I had already sweated though my tank top. When I opened the bag, there was a note inside, it read:

Hey Gorgeous, got plans for tonight? Really wanna see you(: Meet me to the left of the Media Building at 8. xo Andy <3

"What's that?" I spun to find Kellin staring at the paper. Oh shit.

"Nothing just a to do list." A to do list?! Who the fuck has to do lists.

"O-okay?" he replied. He knew I was being sketchy. I shooed him out of the room while I got changed, and started re-applying my makeup. Kellin barged back in.

"Do you wanna- Wait why are you putting on more makeup? You barely ever wear makeup, let alone retouch it. You know you always look beautiful to me."

"I don't know Kellin maybe it's not about you? Maybe it's about me and my self esteem?" I grouched. I was getting annoyed with the 20 questions. He didn't say a word he just walked out. Good, now I'm going to drag out this argument and make it an excuse to get away from him for the night.

A Devil For Me (Andy Biersack and Kellin Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now