3. You Kill Me (In A Good Way)

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I walked around the venue visting different tents and watching different bands. Kellin and the guys were setting up and getting ready for their show in a half hour. Until then I was ordered to "explore" and "enjoy the festivities." I bumped into Pierce the Veil going backstage to kiss Kellin goodluck. Vic came to watch Kel too, how sweet. I had met PTV a few times, and I honestly thought they were great guys. We always had a great time. They stood side stage with me to cheer them on. Kellin kissed me as he walked by to the stage, "For you sweetheart!" He always said that before concerts. It was my favorite of his sayings(:

They rocked the fucking show out. The fans went wild and they looked like they were having the time of their lives, SWS always managed to instill that feeling when they played. After the concert Kellin and I grabbed a quick lunch just the two of us at a sandwich tent, before his band had an Interview at the Media station. I walked him to the interview and went on my way. I didn't mind being by myself when there were concerts going on everywhere, I loved walking around, listening to these guys play their hearts out, and the fans eating it all up. And thats when I walked by a band called Black Veil Brides. I recognized the singer immediately. More importantly his blue orbs shining over everything. It was the guy from last night, singing center stage, with hundreds of fans. I couldn't help but be a little jealous of the fans, they knew all about this guy, I didn't even know his name. I don't know why I felt like this, he's just a random guy..? But I couldn't look away. He owned that stage, he was amazing..

Their set ended, followed by him saying thank you and cursing out a hater. He was so badass. I was paranoid he saw me staring at him so I ran to a nearby tent. And then I heard my name. It couldn't be.. oh my god. "Scarlett!" The newly familiar voice cooed. How did he know my name? I turned to find no other than Blue Eyes.

"Hey, um-" I didn't know his name.. oops.

"Andy. Andy Biersack"

"Hey Andy. Thanks for waking me up last night," I was so embarrassed, I could feel my cheeks getting red.

He laughed. "It's cool, barely even remember it.. Buuuut I remember you," He smirked. What a cheekster!

"Oh do you now? And why's that? I said plainly, I have a boyfriend! But I couldn't help myself.

His face became serious. "You don't just forget a girl that looks like you do." The flirtiness was gone, just his blue beauties staring, so mysteriously. I suddenly wanted to know everything about him. But I snapped myself out of it.

"Well thanks, and thanks again, who knows when I would have woken up!" Trying to change the subject, I hope I'm not too obvious. I giggled to lighten the mood, maybe a little too much. He gave me a wierded out look and said he had to go. FUCK. He thinks I'm crazy. I blew it. Blew what!? YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND SCARLETT! This isn't good.

I met up with Kellin after they finished, and sat there absently with his arm around me as we all relaxed in the bus. I kept going over my conversation with Andy over and over in my head. I should have said and done things differently. No he was a doochebag, he totally judged me right there, and pretended he had somewhere to be just to have an excuse to not talk to me anymore. I felt so rejected. I looked over and watched Kellin talk and laugh with his buddies, as if there was no sound. Nothing was the same anymore. I got up to go call my mom, and saw a billboard for a BVB Meet and Greet going on right now. Maybe he really did have to go. I pushed my phone in my pocket and ended up at the BVB tent. And there he was.

I could never get tired of looking at him. But I had to worry about him catching me in a stare. How creepy would that be after my psycho giggling session earlier. He was really busy smiling and signing things, so I decided this was a bad idea. But of course, and I turned to walk away, I felt a hand on my arm.

"Did you come for an autograph?" Andy said jokingly.

"Just passing by," I tried to look careless. Was he buying it?

"I saw you looking at me! Don't deny it babe," He cooed. His voice was so sexy. WHAT AM I THINKING. Oh god what do I reply to this...

"I mean I might have glanced over," I said sarcastically serious.

He smiled and then he got serious once again. "Look I have to stay here for another 10 minutes, but could you meet me behind the main stage in like 20? I gotta talk to you'."

Oh my god.. Is he asking me out? What could he have to talk to me about? "Sure." I wanted to seem like it was no big deal to me. I think I was successful. And I turned away to see Kellin. Right there. Did he hear?


Author's note: throughout the story, comment #TeamKellin or #TeamAndy and it will affect the outcome of the story for whatever has the most votes!! Please comment and give feedback/criticism/things you would like to see.

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