21. The Best There Ever Was

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Home sweet home. I didn't bother bringing my luggage in yet I was just excited to see my mommy. I opened my familiar door and barged inside to find my mother, and a guy sitting at the kitchen table. When the mystery guy turned I realized. It was Kellin.

As soon as he saw me he jumped up and hugged me.

"That's what I like to see!" My mom called from the table.

"Shut up!" I mocked, but then went over and kissed her cheek. "It's so

good to be home.. Hey can someone help me get my shit?"

"I'll do it!" My mom chimed, and we walked out hand in hand. "So, how's the relationship?" I guess by the relationship she meant Andy.. Why can't she just say Andy.

"It's, you know, we have our ups and downs but it's great. I really like him," it felt good to at least have her ask about us though.

"Look honey, I know you don't want me to push anything on you. And please don't tell him I told you this, but Kellin still loves you," she said out of the blue.

"No he doesn't mom, he told me he's over me.. We're just friends," boy was I getting tired of saying that line.

"Scar, I was just talking to him earlier about you. He just loves you so fucking much I hate to see him hurting like this. But, you're my daughter, and my priority. So if you're not interested, this is the last you'll hear of it from me. Just had to tell you," She said genuinely. What the fuck.. Kellin still loves me? I really can't believe this, there was only one thing to do. As soon as we got inside I pulled him out to go for a walk.

"Kel, I gotta ask you something," I looked at him and he nodded for me to go on. "Do you still love me?"

He took a while to answer but finally spat out, "Of course, you're my bestfriend!"

"No I mean like do you really love me." I hated to be so blunt but I had to know.

"No, your mother oh my gosh... She misunderstood me just disregard anything she said!" He said nervously and laughed.

I was disappointed by his answer, a little too disappointed. Why do I care? Don't I want him to be over me? He looked down and blushed and I swear he was the cutest thing...

"Got it," I blurted, seeing he was waiting for a reply.

"We should go back, come on," he said as he grabbed my hand to lead me home. I begged for him to let go but he never did. And I begged for myself to not be so giddy from him holding my hand.

We all had a really nice dinner together, when we are all together I'm truly home. After we ate, Kellin and I helped my mom clean up, and then went up to my room to watch a movie just like we used to. We both automatically got into our spots in bed, awkwardly stopping when we would normally start cuddling together. He looked at me with pain seeping out of his eyes. I knew he was thinking about all of our great times in this bed. I stared him back with the same expression, and nodded to let him know I understood.

Even though I was happy now, I was still heartbroken over Kellin. I never had time to grieve over our relationship's end, and its been slowly creeping back to me. Our relationship was perfect. I tried to tell myself that I wasn't that into it at the time but I can't remember the feeling. All I remember was being loved to death by the most perfect being in the world...

We still sat there uncomfortably on opposite sides of the bed as the movie started. "Kellin, do you wanna cuddle?" I asked without thinking.

"Um, sure," he said and blushed. I nestled into his chest and he held his arm around my body keeping me close. And that's how we fell asleep during the movie.

A Devil For Me (Andy Biersack and Kellin Quinn)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum