12. Stomach Tied In Knots

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Andy's POV:

I woke up with a huge smile on my face. I layed in bed for a bit, as Scarlett telling me she loved me played through my head repeatedly. I was rudely interrupted by CC opening the curtain to my bunk and sticking his tongue out at me telling me we had arrived.

I couldn't wait to see Scarlett today, and hear about what happened yesterday. But a part of me didnt believe it was gonna go down. Even though I wanted nothing more than her to end it last night, I had a feeling she wouldn't. Oh well we'll see. Either way she loves me! And I couldn't stop grinning. We all went to get sandwiches at the tents before it got busy around here.

As soon as we walked out we were ambushed by camera crews and reporters asking me about "Kellin's girlfriend." I tried to ignore them but they wouldn't leave me alone, so I went to eat alone at another table. They followed me there oh my fucking god.

I finished eating not saying a word to them, and started walking back towards the bus, just in time to see none other than Sleeping With Sirens playing, and Scarlett smiling and laughing side stage. She was so beautiful...

I was snapped out of my trance with microphones being held out in front of me and film crews all wanting my reaction to seeing Kellin play and Scarlett supporting him. "Andy, it's clear Scarlett wants Kellin why can't you stop stalking her!?" I hear some man yell and put his mic right up to my mouth. That's fucking enough.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled, slamming his microphone on the ground and storming away.

I really wanted to punch everything in the world right now. This couldn't be more unfair, I finally fall in love with the perfect girl and this all has to complicate it. All I want is to be with her, I never signed up for any of this.

I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself down, and went into the bus, where I found the guys waiting for me. It was obvious they had something to say, but they awkwardly looked at each other and me. Is this like an intervention or something god spit it out.

"Scarlett left you this," Jake said and handed me the post it. I read it and smiled internally but got back to them, wanting to know what they were going to say.

"Andy we want you to be happy. But we don't want this scandal ruining people's ideas of us, and we don't want to hurt the fans," Ashley finally blurted out. "I'm sure Scarlett's great but we just saw her with Kellin and I think this is a complicated situation you don't need to be in." Was I hearing this right? My own band against me?

"What happened to be yourself and fuck everybody else? I'm gonna be with the girl I love, if people want to hate on me for that then let them. I can't believe you guys would say that," I fired back. I was truly hurt.

"Andy, the girl you love is fucking somebody else! We don't want you to get hurt! And if she can cheat on Kellin what makes you think she wouldn't cheat on you!" CC whined, I don't even know who these people are right now.

I needed to get away from everyone. I left the bus, being questioned by the same fucking gossips. I desperately looked for a place to hide, but the whole venue was pretty open. There was only one option. I went into the media building bathroom hurriedly, locked a stall and sat there resting my head in my hands. My mind was fuzzed by so many emotions. Then I remembered the crumpled paper in my pocket, I pulled it out and typed away. I needed to know what happened yesterday.

Scarlett's POV:

Their set ended and still no word from Andy. I really hope he was okay. As we all walked back to the bus my phone buzzed. I looked and saw a random number. Fingers crossed its Andy. They said "hey beautiful, what went down yesterday?"

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