22. Don't You Ever Forget About Me

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Scarlett's POV:

Oww! My head was pounding and I could barely open my eyes. The sunlight was blinding and I felt like I was gonna throw up. Morning afters suck. I looked around for Kellin but he wasn't in my room. I walked downstairs for breakfast and Kellin was already down there.

"Morning," he said with a huge smile and hug.

"You too?" I was confused.. Why is he so happy.

While we were eating Kellin had his arm around me the whole time; I mean I couldn't tell him to get off but what the fuck?

"Hey Kellin- um, why are you so happy today?" I asked curiously.

"Cause of last night?" He said in a duh voice and winked. What is this boy saying, how would I know what he did..

"And what happened last night? You got lucky?" I laughed. Maybe that girl from the party and him fucked...

"Actually yeah..? Wait you don't remember?" He looked very upset.

"Remember what? The whole night is a blur you gotta tell me the details!" I can't believe Kellin Quinn had a one night stand, it's so not like him! I sat there awaiting his answer but he randomly started to tear up. "Kellin?! What's wrong baby, what happened last night!?"

"Nothing... Yeah I fucked that girl from the party. No details," he said plainly starting to cry and ran upstairs. So I chased after him.

"Kellin! What is the matter! Did she do something!?" If this girl hurt Kellin I swear I will kill her.

"Last night was the best night ever. I don't know why I'm upset I gotta go," he said grabbing his bag.

"Um Kellin what the hell?You know I'm leaving for L.A. in 2 days will I see you before then?" Why did he all the sudden have to leave!?

"No. I'll see you at Warped bye," he said now hysterical. Warped was in 2 weeks, but still I couldn't have my bestfriend crying.

"Kellin please call me," I begged. I was so confused and heartbroken. I really felt something this past month being here with him. He didn't reply; he just walked out. Why was he the happiest person 5 minutes ago and the saddest now?!

The next 2 days Kellin only answered my texts in one word sentences. I really hoped he was okay. Now, driving home, I was crying here thinking about my month. Being back home, back with Kellin. I have to say I didn't want it to end; especially not like it did.

Finally, after hours and hours of driving, I was "home" but not really. I opened the door exhausted and dragged myself right upstairs to sleep and found Andy in the bed.

"Baby!" I yelled, startling him a little oops.

"Babe get over here!" He said opening his arms and kissing me a million times. "I love you I love you I love you." He kept repeating. My cheeks got hot and I couldn't stop smiling.

"I love you times 4 million! I missed you so much!" I said squeezing him.

"Show me," he smirked and winked, and then got right into it.

Andy never failed to impress me in bed, and left me panting and my heart racing. We were cuddling naked and I realized, yeah I'd rather be home, in Oregon, but more than anything I need to be wherever Andy is. We made eye contact and both just smiled like idiots, wow his eyes are hypnotizing.. It's crazy how when I'm apart from him I can doubt out relationship so much, but when we're together it's like nothing else in the world exists.

"I can't believe warped is in like a week seriously time flies," I said thinking about warped.

"Right! Almost 1 year since we met! Best year ever," He giggled and kissed my nose.

Andy's POV:

"Right! Almost 1 year since we met! Best year ever," I said and kissed her nose. All month I have been going over plans for proposing and I have the perfect one. So, when we are in Michigan again, I'm gonna take Scarlett to the tattoo parlor that we got our tattoos at. Then, I'm gonna get down on my knee just like I did before to mess with her, but actually propose. It was immaculate, all the guys thought so too. I knew it was going to be far away but it was worth it.

-week later-

Scarlett's POV:

"What is he doing in there!" Ashley called to me from inside the bus.

"No clue I'll go see..." I sighed and ran inside, we were late as it was. "Andy! Let's go!" I yelled.

"Sorry sorry okay I'm good!" He said quickly stepping down the stairs with a bag. We went back out to the bus and boarded. To my suprise Jinxx's wife Sammi Doll was sitting on the couch.

"Hi Sammi!" I said and kissed her on the cheek. We met a few times and from what I knew she was really cool. Andy went back and set up our bunk while I chatted with her. All the sudden I sprinted to the bathroom, puked and came back out acting like nothing happened. This has been happening a lot lately and I'm getting a little worried. I came back out and told Andy I threw up again.

"Scarlett that's not normal, you have to go to a doctor.." He was really concerned.

"Idk its only been a few days maybe I just have a bug," yeah. Probably nothing.

"Promise me that if in 3 days it's still happening you'll let me take you to a doctor?" Andy asked.

"Promise." It won't last I don't think.

The rest of the way to the first venue we all talked and had a great time just being together. Sammi and I were talking a lot and starting to become really close. I can't remember the last time I had a girl friend. Touring with BVB was much more fun than touring with SWS honestly, they were much more easygoing. Plus Jesse always made things awkward last summer... HOLY MOTHERFUCK! My stomach just turned inside out I swear!

"Andy.. Yeah I think I'll take that doctor visit today.." I gasped.

"Good! We should be there in about a half hour, then we'll go," he said rubbing my back.

"If I'm dying I'm gonna fucking kill everyone just so you know," I grumbled.

"Fine by me," Andy replied laughing.

A Devil For Me (Andy Biersack and Kellin Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now