14. Let Love Bleed Red

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Scarlett's POV:

"Kellin," I said looking up to see him. I moved away from Andy's zipper and smiled awkwardly. "Uh," I didn't know what to say, I barely knew what was going on. I waited for him to say something, but he just stood there.

Well if he has nothing to say than fuck that, I thought and went back down to pull off Andy's pants. And with that, Kellin yanked Andy out if the bed and punched him straight in the face. Andy refrained, and Kellin kept hitting him, all over his body. Finally Andy gave in, threw one punch into Kellin's face, and he was out.

I was so confused as I stared down at an unconscious Kellin Quinn, Andy was kissing my neck but for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off Kellin. Why did my heart ache so bad right now? I told Andy to leave, I had to figure out what was going on. I quickly reached for water and drank as fast as I could, trying to sober up.

Going back to Kellin, as soon as I saw him for the first time now that my brain was functioning, I broke down crying. I sunk to my knees and touched his face, bruised and bloody. I got some tissues to clean up his face, and as I dabbed his cheek, tears were rolling down mine.

I gazed at this calm, innocent man, so still, except for his body rhythmically going up and down from his slow breaths. What have I done to him, someone I loved so much. I leaned down and kissed him softly. "I really do love you Kellin," I whispered, kind of to myself. At this moment, I was unsure about whether leaving him was right, but remembering what happened, it was too late.

What a strange feeling, I didn't have control over our relationship ending anymore. I just can't believe the way he found out, I hate myself. He knew everything. And as soon as he woke up, he would return to hating me, and feeling the pain I caused. I laid my head on his chest, soaking up my last moments I'll ever have like this with my boyfriend Kellin Quinn. Soon I won't be able to call him that.

Long story short, Kellin woke up, and told me to get out. I didn't resist, I was in no place to go against him. I packed up and was on my way, headed to Andy's bus. I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to the bus.

I got awkward stares from everyone as they eyed my suitcase. Exept Andy's gaze, his whole face lit up and he sprinted over picking me up and twirling me. Me and Kellin were officially over. Andy grabbed my suitcase with one arm and threw me over his other shoulder, so I was dangling over his back."You're mine now!" He said evilly and lead me to his bunk. When I finished setting up,

I came into the main room. I could tell the guys weren't my biggest fans, so I decided I needed to talk to them.

"Hey guys could I talk to you for a second?" I asked hopefully, good thing they all agreed. I sat on the couch across from them.

"So I know I seem like some band slut, but I promise you, I really care about Andy. I'm crazy in love with him, and I wanted to tell Kellin right away, but I had to make sure what I felt with Andy was real. I wasn't cheating on him cause I was greedy and wanted them both. Andy's the only one I wanted, and I will never hurt him. I'm really sorry to barge into your bus like this and move in, I know guys need their space, so I'm going to honestly ask you, will it bother you if I'm here? Its your bus you guys have the right to decide this, I won't be offended just please tell me now." Phew, that was a lot. The guys looked at each other and shrugged.

"Scarlett, we would love to have you stay, and get to know you better. I'm sure it will be fun to have you here," Ashley said and they all smiled. They're such great guys.

"Thank you so much. I promise you your opinion of me will change when you get to know me!" I said laughing, and they all laughed along. That's when Andy plopped down beside me and smiled at all of us getting along. He pulled me in and kissed my forehead.

"This is THE best tour ever," he couldn't stop smiling. It was such a relief now that we didn't have to hide from Kellin. I couldn't imagine how he felt right now. It made my stomach turn to think of him.

"Guys what are we gonna do for dinner? There's no stores around here..." Jake asked.

"I can cook us all something," I piped up. I had to earn my place here and I wanted to do something nice for the guys. They were excited and I got right to work, using the little ingredients they had. I ended up making chicken noodle soup. As they all dug in, they grinned and I got a few hugs.

"You can stay as long as you like Scarlett!" CC said, patting me on the back. Acceptance, score! The rest of the night Andy and I bored the guys with stories of our secret meetings. At least now they knew how I felt about him, that I wasn't using him or anything.

It was 12am, and we were all getting ready for bed, when there was a knock on the door. The guys were in the back so I called out that I would get it.

I opened the door to Kellin, with tears streaming down his face. I didn't say a word I just stepped out and slowly closed the door behind me. He just looked at me, crying, so I pulled him in tightly and held his vibrating, sobbing body.

"Sc- Scarlett, this can't happen to us, I- I love you," he said, still in the hug. At these words I stepped back and looked at him shocked. "I forgive you, it was my fault. I- I didn't pay enough attention to you in the beginning of the tour.." He trailed off looking down. I put my hand under his chin and picked his head up.

"Kellin what are you saying? You were perfect, the best boyfriend anyone could ask for," I reassured him. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Well then why did you do this?"

"I don't deserve you, I never did and I always knew it. I was never as into the relationship as you were. It has been coming for a long time. Just being the asshole I am, I had to do it this way. I'll never be able to put into words the pain I feel when I think about what I did to you. Don't forgive me, don't make this easy. Think about what I did, I'm terrible, you should hate me. It wouldn't feel right having you not hate me after this," I let it all out. I had to be honest.

"I could never hate you, I love you. I can fix it Scarlett, I can make you happy, I swear," he begged. His vulnerability made me want to crumble into a ball and die. He loves me so much.. I know I'll never find someone that loves me the way he does. Not even Andy.

"Kellin I think we both need some time to process. Then, if you still want to forgive me, ill accept that. You need sleep hun go to bed," I grabbed his hand. "You'll be okay."

"Are you gonna come back to our bus to sleep at least?" He asked worriedly.

"I don't think that's a good idea Kel." The guys would shoot me!

"They have an extra bed in their bus?" He obliviously questioned, pointing to the BVB bus.

"No, I'm uh- I'll find somewhere to sleep.." Awkward.

"Andy's bed?" He looked like he just got stabbed nice and slow through the heart.

"I don't know,"I mumbled. Followed by an unsettling silence.

"Goodnight Scarlett I love you," he broke the silence and kissed me.

"Goodnight," I replied turning back to go inside. I shut the door and leaned against it, holding back tears. I really can't do this, I can't hurt people. Focus on what this is all for in the end, you and Andy are together now, I thought to myself. Good idea.

I walked over to our bed where he was laying on one side waiting for me.

"Ready for bed babe?" He patted the spot for me. I shook my thoughts of Kellin away and smiled, cuddling next to this warm loving body. He was so comforting, and I was out like a light next to him.

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